Class AbstractSession

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, CoreSession
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractSession
    extends Object
    implements CoreSession, Serializable
    Abstract implementation of the client interface.

    This handles all the aspects that are independent on the final implementation (like running inside a J2EE platform or not).

    The only aspect not implemented is the session management that should be handled by subclasses.

    Bogdan Stefanescu, Florent Guillaume
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final String TRASH_KEEP_CHECKED_IN_PROPERTY
        since 10.1, new trash behavior is: always keep checkedIn state
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • registry

        protected static final io.dropwizard.metrics5.MetricRegistry registry

        protected static final Map<String,​io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter> CREATE_DOC_COUNT

        protected static final Map<String,​io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter> DELETE_DOC_COUNT

        protected static final Map<String,​io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter> UPDATE_DOC_COUNT
      • createDocumentCount

        protected io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter createDocumentCount
      • deleteDocumentCount

        protected io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter deleteDocumentCount
      • updateDocumentCount

        protected io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter updateDocumentCount
      • EMPTY_PATH

        protected static final PathRef EMPTY_PATH
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSession

        public AbstractSession()
    • Method Detail

      • createDocumentCountInc

        protected void createDocumentCountInc()
      • deleteDocumentCountInc

        protected void deleteDocumentCountInc()
      • updateDocumentCountInc

        protected void updateDocumentCountInc()
      • getSession

        public abstract Session getSession()
        Internal method: Gets the current session based on the client session id.
        the repository session
      • getDocumentType

        public DocumentType getDocumentType​(String type)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the document type object given its type name.
        Specified by:
        getDocumentType in interface CoreSession
        type - the document type name
        the type the doc type object
      • notifyVersionChange

        protected void notifyVersionChange​(DocumentModel oldDocument,
                                           DocumentModel newDocument,
                                           Map<String,​Serializable> options)
        Copied from obsolete VersionChangeNotifier.

        Sends change notifications to core event listeners. The event contains info with older document (before version change) and newer doc (current document).

        options - additional info to pass to the event
      • hasPermission

        public boolean hasPermission​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                     String permission)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Checks if the principal that created the client session has the given privilege on the referred document.
        Specified by:
        hasPermission in interface CoreSession
      • hasPermission

        protected final boolean hasPermission​(Document doc,
                                              String permission)
      • readModel

        protected DocumentModel readModel​(Document doc)
        Gets the document model for the given core document.
        doc - the document
        the document model
      • readModel

        protected DocumentModel readModel​(Document doc,
                                          DocumentModel docModel)
        Gets the document model for the given core document, preserving the contextData.
        doc - the document
        the document model
      • copy

        public DocumentModel copy​(DocumentRef src,
                                  DocumentRef dst,
                                  String name,
                                  boolean resetLifeCycle)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Copies the source document to the destination folder under the given name. If the name is null the original name is preserved.

        If the destination document is not a folder or it doesn't exists then throws an exception.

        If the source is a proxy the destination will be a copy of the proxy.

        Specified by:
        copy in interface CoreSession
        src - the source document reference
        dst - the destination folder reference
        name - the new name of the file or null if the original name must be preserved
        resetLifeCycle - the property that flagged whether reset destination document lifecycle or not
      • copy

        public DocumentModel copy​(DocumentRef src,
                                  DocumentRef dst,
                                  String name,
                                  CoreSession.CopyOption... copyOptions)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Copies the source document to the destination folder under the given name. If the name is null the original name is preserved.

        If the destination document is not a folder or it doesn't exists then throws an exception.

        If the source is a proxy the destination will be a copy of the proxy.

        Specified by:
        copy in interface CoreSession
        src - the source document reference
        dst - the destination folder reference
        name - the new name of the file or null if the original name must be preserved
        copyOptions - the options for copy
      • copy

        public List<DocumentModel> copy​(List<DocumentRef> src,
                                        DocumentRef dst,
                                        boolean resetLifeCycle)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Bulk copy. Destination must be a folder document.
        Specified by:
        copy in interface CoreSession
        src - the documents to copy
        dst - the destination folder
        resetLifeCycle - the property that flagged whether reset destination document lifecycle or not
      • copyProxyAsDocument

        public DocumentModel copyProxyAsDocument​(DocumentRef src,
                                                 DocumentRef dst,
                                                 String name,
                                                 boolean resetLifeCycle)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Work like copy but in the case of a source proxy the destination will be a new document instead of a proxy.
        Specified by:
        copyProxyAsDocument in interface CoreSession
        src - the source document reference
        dst - the destination folder reference
        name - the new name of the file or null if the original name must be preserved
        resetLifeCycle - the property that flagged whether reset destination document lifecycle or not
      • copyProxyAsDocument

        public List<DocumentModel> copyProxyAsDocument​(List<DocumentRef> src,
                                                       DocumentRef dst,
                                                       boolean resetLifeCycle)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Bulk copyProxyAsDocument. Destination must be a folder document.
        Specified by:
        copyProxyAsDocument in interface CoreSession
        src - the documents to copy
        dst - the destination folder
        resetLifeCycle - the property that flagged whether reset destination document lifecycle or not
      • move

        public DocumentModel move​(DocumentRef src,
                                  DocumentRef dst,
                                  String name)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Moves the source document to the destination folder under the given name. If the name is null or if there is a collision, a suitable new name is found.
        Specified by:
        move in interface CoreSession
        src - the source document reference
        dst - the destination folder reference
        name - the new name of the file, or null
      • move

        public void move​(List<DocumentRef> src,
                         DocumentRef dst)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Bulk move. Destination must be a folder document.
        Specified by:
        move in interface CoreSession
        src - the documents to move
        dst - the destination folder
      • getACP

        public ACP getACP​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the document access control policy.

        The returned ACP is the ACP defined on that document if any + the inherited ACL if any. If neither a local ACP nor inherited ACL exists null is returned.

        Note that modifying the returned ACP will not affect in any way the stored document ACP. To modify the ACP you must explicitely set it by calling CoreSession.setACP(DocumentRef, ACP, boolean)

        This method will always fetch a fresh ACP from the storage. The recommended way to get the ACP is to use DocumentModel.getACP() this way the ACP will be cached at the document model level and so you can use it for multiple permission checks without fetching it each time.

        Specified by:
        getACP in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the doc ref to retrieve ACP or null if none
        the ACP
      • setACP

        public void setACP​(DocumentRef docRef,
                           ACP newAcp,
                           boolean overwrite)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Sets the ACP for this document.

        If the ACP contains an INHERITED ACL it will be discarded. Only ACLs relative to the current document may be changed.

        If the overwrite argument is false, the ACP is merged with the existing one if any. The merge is done as follow:

        • If any ACL is that already exists on the document ACp is redefined by the new ACO then it will be replaced by the new one. So if you want to remove an ACl in this mode you need to specify an empty ACL.
        • If the new ACP contains an ACl that is not defined by the old one the it will be added to the merged ACP.
        • If the owners are specified then they will replace the existing ones if any. Otherwise the old owners are preserved if any. As for the ACL if you want to remove existing owners you need to specify an empty owner array (and not a null one)
        If the overwrite argument is true, the old ACP will be replaced by the new one.

        This way if you can remove the existing ACP by specifying a null ACP and overwrite argument set to true.

        Setting a null ACP when overwrite is false will do nothing.

        Specified by:
        setACP in interface CoreSession
      • updateReadACLs

        public void updateReadACLs​(Collection<String> docIds)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Updates the Read ACLs for some documents.

        For INTERNAL use by the core.

        Specified by:
        updateReadACLs in interface CoreSession
        docIds - the document ids
      • updateVersionsReadACLs

        protected void updateVersionsReadACLs​(Collection<String> docIds)
      • isNegativeAclAllowed

        public boolean isNegativeAclAllowed()
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Returns true if negative ACLs are allowed.

        Negative ACLs are ACLs that include an ACE with a deny (isGranted=false). This does not include the full-blocking ACE for Everyone/Everything, which is always allowed.

        Specified by:
        isNegativeAclAllowed in interface CoreSession
        true if negative ACLs are allowed
      • cancel

        public void cancel()
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Cancels any pending change made through this session.
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface CoreSession
      • createDocumentModel

        public DocumentModel createDocumentModel​(String parentPath,
                                                 String name,
                                                 String typeName)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Creates a document model using required information.

        Used to fetch initial datamodels from the type definition.

        DocumentModel creation notifies a DocumentEventTypes.EMPTY_DOCUMENTMODEL_CREATED so that core event listener can initialize its content with computed properties.

        Specified by:
        createDocumentModel in interface CoreSession
        parentPath - the parent path
        name - The destination name
        typeName - the type name
        the initial document model
      • createDocumentModel

        public DocumentModel createDocumentModel​(String typeName,
                                                 Map<String,​Object> options)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Creates a document model using required information.

        Used to fetch initial datamodels from the type definition.

        DocumentModel creation notifies a DocumentEventTypes.EMPTY_DOCUMENTMODEL_CREATED so that core event listener can initialize its content with computed properties.

        Specified by:
        createDocumentModel in interface CoreSession
        typeName - the type name
        options - additional contextual data provided to core event listeners
        the initial document model
      • createDocument

        public DocumentModel createDocument​(DocumentModel docModel)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Creates a document using given document model for initialization.

        The model contains path of the new document, its type and optionally the initial data models of the document.

        Specified by:
        createDocument in interface CoreSession
        docModel - the document model to use for initialization
        the created document
      • importDocument

        protected void importDocument​(DocumentModel docModel)
      • createDocument

        public DocumentModel[] createDocument​(DocumentModel[] docModels)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Bulk creation of documents.
        Specified by:
        createDocument in interface CoreSession
        docModels - the document models to use for intialization
        the created documents
      • exists

        public boolean exists​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Tests if the document pointed by the given reference exists and is accessible.

        This operation makes no difference between non-existence and permission problems.

        If the parent is null or its path is null, then root is considered.

        Specified by:
        exists in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document to test for existence
        true if the referenced document exists, false otherwise
      • getChild

        public DocumentModel getChild​(DocumentRef parent,
                                      String name)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets a child document given its name and the parent reference.

        Throws an exception if the document could not be found.

        If the supplied id is null, returns the default child of the document if any, otherwise raises an exception.

        If the parent is null or its path is null, then root is considered.

        Specified by:
        getChild in interface CoreSession
        parent - the reference to the parent document
        name - the name of the child document to retrieve
        the named child if exists
      • hasChild

        public boolean hasChild​(DocumentRef parent,
                                String name)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Tests if the document has a child with the given name.

        This operation silently ignores non-folder documents: If the document is not a folder then returns false.

        Specified by:
        hasChild in interface CoreSession
        parent - the document
        name - the child name
        true if the document has a child with the given name
      • getChildren

        public DocumentModelList getChildren​(DocumentRef parent)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the children of the given parent.
        Specified by:
        getChildren in interface CoreSession
        parent - the parent reference
        the children if any, an empty list if no children or null if the specified parent document is not a folder
      • getChildren

        public DocumentModelList getChildren​(DocumentRef parent,
                                             String type)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the children of the given parent filtered according to the given document type.
        Specified by:
        getChildren in interface CoreSession
        parent - the parent reference
        type - the wanted document type
        the documents if any, an empty list if none were found or null if the parent document is not a folder
      • getChildren

        public DocumentModelList getChildren​(DocumentRef parent,
                                             String type,
                                             String perm)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the children of the given parent filtered according to the given document type and permission.
        Specified by:
        getChildren in interface CoreSession
        parent - the parent reference
        type - the wanted document type
        perm - the permission the user must have
        the documents if any, an empty list if none were found or null if the parent document is not a folder
      • getChildren

        public DocumentModelList getChildren​(DocumentRef parent,
                                             String type,
                                             String perm,
                                             Filter filter,
                                             Sorter sorter)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Same as CoreSession.getChildren(DocumentRef, String, String) but the result is filtered and then sorted using the specified filter and sorter.
        Specified by:
        getChildren in interface CoreSession
        parent - the parent reference
        type - the wanted type
        perm - permission to check for. If null, defaults to READ
        filter - the filter to use if any, null otherwise
        sorter - the sorter to use if any, null otherwise
        the list of the children or an empty list if no children were found or null if the given parent is not a folder
      • getChildrenRefs

        public List<DocumentRef> getChildrenRefs​(DocumentRef parentRef,
                                                 String perm)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the references of the children. No permission is checked if perm is null.
        Specified by:
        getChildrenRefs in interface CoreSession
        parentRef - the parent reference
        perm - the permission to check on the children (usually READ); if null, no permission is checked
        a list of children references
      • getChildrenIterator

        public DocumentModelIterator getChildrenIterator​(DocumentRef parent)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets an iterator to the children of the given parent.
        Specified by:
        getChildrenIterator in interface CoreSession
        parent - the parent reference
        iterator over the children collection or null if the specified parent document is not a folder
      • getDocument

        public DocumentModel getDocument​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets a document model given its reference.

        The default schemas are used to populate the returned document model. Default schemas are configured via the document type manager.

        Any other data model not part of the default schemas will be lazily loaded as needed.

        Specified by:
        getDocument in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        the document
      • getParentDocumentRef

        public DocumentRef getParentDocumentRef​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Returns the parent ref of the document referenced by docRef or null if this is the root document.

        This method does not check the permissions on the parent document of this CoreSession's Principal .

        Specified by:
        getParentDocumentRef in interface CoreSession
      • getParentDocument

        public DocumentModel getParentDocument​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the parent document or null if this is the root document.
        Specified by:
        getParentDocument in interface CoreSession
        the parent document or null if this is the root document
      • getParentDocuments

        public List<DocumentModel> getParentDocuments​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the parent documents in path from the root to the given document or empty list if this is the root document.

        Documents the principal is is not allowed to browse are filtered out the parents list.

        Specified by:
        getParentDocuments in interface CoreSession
        the list with parent documents or empty list if this is the root document
      • hasChildren

        public boolean hasChildren​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Tests if the document has any children.

        This operation silently ignores non-folder documents: If the document is not a folder then returns false.

        If the parent is null or its path is null, then root is considered.

        Specified by:
        hasChildren in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document to test
        true if document has children, false otherwise
      • query

        public DocumentModelList query​(String query)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given NXQL query an returns the result.
        Specified by:
        query in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        the query result
      • query

        public DocumentModelList query​(String query,
                                       int max)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given NXQL query an returns the result.
        Specified by:
        query in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        max - number of document to retrieve
        the query result
      • query

        public DocumentModelList query​(String query,
                                       Filter filter)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
        Specified by:
        query in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        filter - the filter to apply to result
        the query result
      • query

        public DocumentModelList query​(String query,
                                       Filter filter,
                                       int max)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
        Specified by:
        query in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        filter - the filter to apply to result
        max - number of document to retrieve
        the query result
      • query

        public DocumentModelList query​(String query,
                                       Filter filter,
                                       long limit,
                                       long offset,
                                       boolean countTotal)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
        Specified by:
        query in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        filter - the filter to apply to result
        limit - the maximum number of documents to retrieve, or 0 for all of them
        offset - the offset (starting at 0) into the list of documents
        countTotal - if true, return a DocumentModelList that includes a total size of the underlying list (size if there was no limit or offset)
        the query result
      • query

        public DocumentModelList query​(String query,
                                       String queryType,
                                       Filter filter,
                                       long limit,
                                       long offset,
                                       boolean countTotal)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given query and returns the result that matches the filter.
        Specified by:
        query in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        queryType - the query type, like "NXQL"
        filter - the filter to apply to result
        limit - the maximum number of documents to retrieve, or 0 for all of them
        offset - the offset (starting at 0) into the list of documents
        countTotal - if true, return a DocumentModelList that includes a total size of the underlying list (size if there was no limit or offset)
        the query result
      • computeCountUpTo

        protected long computeCountUpTo​(boolean countTotal)
        the appropriate countUpTo value depending on input countTotal and configuration.
      • getMaxResults

        protected long getMaxResults()
      • isLimitedResults

        protected boolean isLimitedResults()
      • setMaxResults

        protected void setMaxResults​(long maxResults)
      • setLimitedResults

        protected void setLimitedResults​(boolean limitedResults)
      • query

        public DocumentModelList query​(String query,
                                       Filter filter,
                                       long limit,
                                       long offset,
                                       long countUpTo)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
        Specified by:
        query in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        filter - the filter to apply to result
        limit - the maximum number of documents to retrieve, or 0 for all of them
        offset - the offset (starting at 0) into the list of documents
        countUpTo - if -1, count the total size without offset/limit.
        If 0, don't count the total size.
        If n, count the total number if there are less than n documents otherwise set the size to -1.
        the query result
      • query

        public DocumentModelList query​(String query,
                                       String queryType,
                                       Filter filter,
                                       long limit,
                                       long offset,
                                       long countUpTo)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given query and returns the result that matches the filter.
        Specified by:
        query in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        queryType - the query type, like "NXQL"
        filter - the filter to apply to result
        limit - the maximum number of documents to retrieve, or 0 for all of them
        offset - the offset (starting at 0) into the list of documents
        countUpTo - if -1, return a DocumentModelList that includes a total size of the underlying list (size if there was no limit or offset).
        If 0, don't return the total size of the underlying list.
        If n, return the total size of the underlying list when the size is smaller than n else return a total size of -1.
        the query result
      • queryAndFetch

        public IterableQueryResult queryAndFetch​(String query,
                                                 String queryType,
                                                 Object... params)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given query and returns an iterable of maps containing the requested properties (which must be closed when done).
        Specified by:
        queryAndFetch in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        queryType - the query type, usually "NXQL"
        params - optional query-type-dependent parameters
        an IterableQueryResult, which must be closed after use
      • queryAndFetch

        public IterableQueryResult queryAndFetch​(String query,
                                                 String queryType,
                                                 boolean distinctDocuments,
                                                 Object... params)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given query and returns an iterable of maps containing the requested properties (which must be closed when done).

        It's possible to specify distinctDocuments = true to get a maximum of one row of results per document, this will behave differently only when the WHERE clause contains wildcards.

        Specified by:
        queryAndFetch in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        queryType - the query type, usually "NXQL"
        distinctDocuments - if true then a maximum of one row per document will be returned
        params - optional query-type-dependent parameters
        an IterableQueryResult, which must be closed after use
      • queryProjection

        public PartialList<Map<String,​Serializable>> queryProjection​(String query,
                                                                           long limit,
                                                                           long offset)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
        Specified by:
        queryProjection in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        limit - the maximum number of documents to retrieve, or 0 for all of them
        offset - the offset (starting at 0) into the list of documents
        the query result
      • queryProjection

        public PartialList<Map<String,​Serializable>> queryProjection​(String query,
                                                                           long limit,
                                                                           long offset,
                                                                           boolean countTotal)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
        Specified by:
        queryProjection in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        limit - the maximum number of documents to retrieve, or 0 for all of them
        offset - the offset (starting at 0) into the list of documents
        countTotal - if true, return a PartialList that includes a total size of the underlying list (size if there was no limit or offset)
        the query result
      • queryProjection

        public PartialList<Map<String,​Serializable>> queryProjection​(String query,
                                                                           String queryType,
                                                                           boolean distinctDocuments,
                                                                           long limit,
                                                                           long offset,
                                                                           long countUpTo,
                                                                           Object... params)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given NXQL query and returns the result that matches the filter.
        Specified by:
        queryProjection in interface CoreSession
        query - the query to execute
        queryType - the query type, like "NXQL"
        distinctDocuments - if true then a maximum of one row per document will be returned
        limit - the maximum number of documents to retrieve, or 0 for all of them
        offset - the offset (starting at 0) into the list of documents
        countUpTo - if -1, return a PartialList that includes a total size of the underlying list (size if there was no limit or offset).
        If 0, don't return the total size of the underlying list.
        If n, return the total size of the underlying list when the size is smaller than n else return a total size of -1.
        params - optional query-type-dependent parameters
        the query result
      • getPrincipalsToCheck

        protected String[] getPrincipalsToCheck()
      • scroll

        public ScrollResult<String> scroll​(String query,
                                           int batchSize,
                                           int keepAliveSeconds)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Executes the given query and returns the first batch of results containing id of documents, next batch must be requested within the keepAliveSeconds delay.
        Specified by:
        scroll in interface CoreSession
        query - The NXQL query to execute
        batchSize - The expected result batch size, note that more results can be returned when the backend don't implement properly this feature
        keepAliveSeconds - The scroll context lifetime in seconds
        A ScrollResult including the search results and a scroll id, to be passed to the subsequent calls to CoreSession.scroll(String)
      • removeChildren

        public void removeChildren​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Removes all children from the given document.
        Specified by:
        removeChildren in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document to remove
      • canRemoveDocument

        public boolean canRemoveDocument​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Check if a document can be removed. This needs the SecurityConstants.REMOVE permission on the document and the SecurityConstants.REMOVE_CHILDREN permission on the parent.

        For an archived version to be removeable, it must not be referenced from any proxy or be the base of a working document, and the REMOVE permission must be available on the working document (or the user must be an administrator if no working document exists).

        If the SecurityConstants.REMOVE permissions is blocked on a descendant of the document for the current principal, then the document cannot be removed.

        If a descendant of the document is retained or under legal hold, then the document cannot be removed.

        Specified by:
        canRemoveDocument in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document
        true if the document can be removed
      • checkCanRemoveDocument

        protected void checkCanRemoveDocument​(Document doc)
      • checkBlockedDescendants

        protected void checkBlockedDescendants​(Document doc)
        DocumentSecurityException - if a descendant has blocked permission for current user
      • checkRetainedDescendants

        protected void checkRetainedDescendants​(Document doc)
        DocumentExistsException - if a descendant is retained
      • removeDocument

        public void removeDocument​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Removes this document and all its children, if any.
        Specified by:
        removeDocument in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document to remove
      • removeDocument

        protected void removeDocument​(Document doc)
      • removeNotifyOneDoc

        protected void removeNotifyOneDoc​(Document doc)
      • removeDocuments

        public void removeDocuments​(DocumentRef[] docRefs)
        Implementation uses the fact that the lexicographic ordering of paths is a refinement of the "contains" partial ordering.
        Specified by:
        removeDocuments in interface CoreSession
        docRefs - the refs to the document to remove
      • save

        public void save()
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Saves any pending changes done until now through this session.
        Specified by:
        save in interface CoreSession
      • saveDocuments

        public void saveDocuments​(DocumentModel[] docModels)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Bulk document saving.
        Specified by:
        saveDocuments in interface CoreSession
        docModels - the document models that needs to be saved
      • getLastDocumentVersion

        public DocumentModel getLastDocumentVersion​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the document corresponding to the last version for the given document.
        Specified by:
        getLastDocumentVersion in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document
        the document model corresponding to the version
      • getLastDocumentVersionRef

        public DocumentRef getLastDocumentVersionRef​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the document reference corresponding to the last version for the given document.
        Specified by:
        getLastDocumentVersionRef in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document
        the document reference corresponding to the last version
      • getVersionsRefs

        public List<DocumentRef> getVersionsRefs​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the references of the versions of the document.
        Specified by:
        getVersionsRefs in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document
        a list of version references
      • getVersions

        public List<DocumentModel> getVersions​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Retrieves all the versions for a specified document.
        Specified by:
        getVersions in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document
        the list of DocumentModel representing versions, empty list if none is found.
      • restoreToVersion

        public DocumentModel restoreToVersion​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                              DocumentRef versionRef,
                                              boolean skipSnapshotCreation,
                                              boolean skipCheckout)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Restores the given document to the specified version.
        Specified by:
        restoreToVersion in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document
        versionRef - the reference to the version
        skipSnapshotCreation - true if the document should not be snapshotted before being restored
        skipCheckout - true if the restored document should be kept in a checked-in state
      • restoreToVersion

        protected DocumentModel restoreToVersion​(Document doc,
                                                 Document version,
                                                 boolean skipSnapshotCreation,
                                                 boolean skipCheckout)
      • getBaseVersion

        public DocumentRef getBaseVersion​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the version to which a checked in document is linked.

        Returns null for a checked out document or a version or a proxy.

        Specified by:
        getBaseVersion in interface CoreSession
        the version, or null
      • notifyCheckedInVersion

        protected void notifyCheckedInVersion​(DocumentModel docModel,
                                              DocumentRef checkedInVersionRef,
                                              Map<String,​Serializable> options,
                                              String checkinComment)
        Send a core event for the creation of a new check in version. The source document is the live document model used as the source for the checkin, not the archived version it-self.
        docModel - work document that has been checked-in as a version
        checkedInVersionRef - document ref of the new checked-in version
        options - initial option map, or null
      • checkOut

        public void checkOut​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Checks out a versioned document.
        Specified by:
        checkOut in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document
      • isCheckedOut

        public boolean isCheckedOut​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Returns whether the current document is checked-out or not.
        Specified by:
        isCheckedOut in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document
      • getVersionSeriesId

        public String getVersionSeriesId​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the version series id for a document.

        All documents and versions derived by a check in or checkout from the same original document share the same version series id.

        Specified by:
        getVersionSeriesId in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        the version series id
      • getWorkingCopy

        public DocumentModel getWorkingCopy​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the working copy (live document) for a proxy or a version.
        Specified by:
        getWorkingCopy in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        the working copy, or null if not found
      • getVersion

        public DocumentModel getVersion​(String versionableId,
                                        VersionModel versionModel)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets a document version, given the versionable id and label.

        The version model contains the label of the version to look for. On return, it is filled with the version's description and creation date.

        Specified by:
        getVersion in interface CoreSession
        versionableId - the versionable id
        versionModel - the version model holding the label
        the version, or null if not found
      • removeOrphanVersions

        public List<DocumentRef> removeOrphanVersions​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Removes orphan versions when the live document doesn't exist and there is no proxy pointing to this document. A version stays referenced, and therefore is not removed, if any proxy points to a version in the version history of any live document, or in the case of tree snapshot if there is a snapshot containing a version in the version history of any live document.
        Specified by:
        removeOrphanVersions in interface CoreSession
        docRef - of the live document
        the list of orphan version deleted.
      • getVersionLabel

        public String getVersionLabel​(DocumentModel docModel)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the version label for a document, according to the versioning service.
        Specified by:
        getVersionLabel in interface CoreSession
        docModel - the document
        the version label
      • getDocumentWithVersion

        public DocumentModel getDocumentWithVersion​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                                    VersionModel version)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Returns a document that represents the specified version of the document.
        Specified by:
        getDocumentWithVersion in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the reference to the document
        version - the version for which we want the corresponding document
      • createProxy

        public DocumentModel createProxy​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                         DocumentRef folderRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Creates a generic proxy to the given document inside the given folder.

        The document may be a version, or a working copy (live document) in which case the proxy will be a "shortcut".

        Specified by:
        createProxy in interface CoreSession
      • removeExistingProxies

        protected List<String> removeExistingProxies​(Document doc,
                                                     Document folder)
        Remove proxies for the same base document in the folder. doc may be a normal document or a proxy.
      • updateExistingProxies

        protected DocumentModel updateExistingProxies​(Document doc,
                                                      Document folder,
                                                      Document target)
        Update the proxy for doc in the given section to point to the new target. Do nothing if there are several proxies.
        the proxy if it was updated, or null if none or several were found
      • getProxies

        public DocumentModelList getProxies​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                            DocumentRef folderRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Finds the proxies for a document. If the parent is not null, the search will be limited to its direct children.

        If the document is a version, then only proxies to that version will be looked up.

        If the document is a proxy, then all similar proxies (pointing to any version of the same versionable) are retrieved.

        Specified by:
        getProxies in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the target document for the proxies
        folderRef - the folder where proxies are located or null
        the list of the proxies. An empty list is returned if no proxy are found
      • getAvailableSecurityPermissions

        public List<String> getAvailableSecurityPermissions()
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Retrieves the available security permissions existing in the system.

        Specified by:
        getAvailableSecurityPermissions in interface CoreSession
        a raw list of permission names, either basic or group names
      • makeRecord

        public void makeRecord​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Turns the document into an enforced record.

        A record is a document with specific capabilities related to mandatory retention until a given date, and legal holds. In addition, its main blob receives special treatment from the document blob manager to make sure it's never shared with another blob at the storage level, and is deleted as soon as the record is deleted.

        If the document is already a record, this method has no effect.

        The permission "MakeRecord" is required.

        Specified by:
        makeRecord in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document
        See Also:
      • makeRecord

        protected void makeRecord​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                  boolean flexible)
      • setRetainUntil

        public void setRetainUntil​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                   Calendar retainUntil,
                                   String comment)
                            throws PropertyException
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Sets the retention date on the document (a record).

        If no previous retention date was set, or if the previous retention date was indeterminate, or if the previous retention date was before the given value, then the retention date is set to the given value.

        If the previous retention date was after the given value (that is, if trying to reduce the retention time), an exception is thrown.

        If the given value is null and the previous retention date is in the past (it has already expired), then the retention date is set to null.

        The permission "SetRetention" is required.

        Specified by:
        setRetainUntil in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document (a record)
        retainUntil - the new retention date
        comment - an optional comment passed to the associated events
        PropertyException - if trying to reduce the retention time, or if the document is not a record
        See Also:
        CoreSession.getRetainUntil(org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentRef), CoreSession.RETAIN_UNTIL_INDETERMINATE
      • setLegalHold

        public void setLegalHold​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                 boolean hold,
                                 String comment)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Sets or removes the legal hold on the document (a record).

        Setting a legal hold on a flexible record will turn it into an enforced record. It will remain enforced even after unsetting the legal hold.

        The permission "ManageLegalHold" is required.

        Specified by:
        setLegalHold in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document (a record)
        hold - true to set a legal hold, false to remove it
        comment - an optional comment passed to the associated events
        See Also:
      • isRetentionActive

        public boolean isRetentionActive​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Checks whether a document is under active retention.
        Specified by:
        isRetentionActive in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        true if the document is under active retention
      • setRetentionActive

        public void setRetentionActive​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                       boolean retentionActive)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Sets or unsets a document as under active retention.
        Specified by:
        setRetentionActive in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        retentionActive - whether the retention should be set or unset as active
      • isTrashed

        public boolean isTrashed​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Checks if this document is in the trash.
        Specified by:
        isTrashed in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        true if the document is in the trash, false otherwise.
      • getCurrentLifeCycleState

        public String getCurrentLifeCycleState​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Returns the life cycle of the document.
        Specified by:
        getCurrentLifeCycleState in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        the life cycle as a string
      • getLifeCyclePolicy

        public String getLifeCyclePolicy​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Returns the life cycle policy of the document.
        Specified by:
        getLifeCyclePolicy in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        the life cycle policy
      • followTransition

        public boolean followTransition​(DocumentModel docModel,
                                        String transition)
                                 throws LifeCycleException
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Follows a given life cycle transition.

        This will update the current life cycle of the document.

        Specified by:
        followTransition in interface CoreSession
        docModel - the document model
        transition - the name of the transition to follow
        a boolean representing the status if the operation
        LifeCycleException - if the transition cannot be followed
      • followTransition

        public boolean followTransition​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                        String transition)
                                 throws LifeCycleException
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Follows a given life cycle transition.

        This will update the current life cycle of the document.

        Specified by:
        followTransition in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        transition - the name of the transition to follow
        a boolean representing the status if the operation
        LifeCycleException - if the transition cannot be followed
      • reinitLifeCycleState

        public void reinitLifeCycleState​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Reinitializes the life cycle state of the document to its default state.
        Specified by:
        reinitLifeCycleState in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document
      • getDataModelsField

        public Object[] getDataModelsField​(DocumentRef[] docRefs,
                                           String schema,
                                           String field)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Retrieves the given field value from the given schema for all the given documents.
        Specified by:
        getDataModelsField in interface CoreSession
        docRefs - the document references
        schema - the schema
        field - the field name
        the field values in the same order as the given docRefs
      • getParentDocumentRefs

        public DocumentRef[] getParentDocumentRefs​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Creates an array with all parent refs starting from the given document up to the root. So the return value will have [0] = parent ref; [1] = parent parent ref... etc.
        Specified by:
        getParentDocumentRefs in interface CoreSession
        an array with ancestor documents ref
      • getDataModelsFieldUp

        public Object[] getDataModelsFieldUp​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                             String schema,
                                             String field)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Retrieves the given field value from the given schema for the given document along with all its parent documents.
        Specified by:
        getDataModelsFieldUp in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        schema - the schema
        field - the field name
        an array with field values of all documents on the path from the given document to the root
      • setLock

        public Lock setLock​(DocumentRef docRef)
                     throws LockException
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Sets a lock on the given document.
        Specified by:
        setLock in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        the lock info that was set
        LockException - if the document is already locked by another user
      • getLockInfo

        public Lock getLockInfo​(DocumentRef docRef)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the lock info on the given document.

        Lock info is never cached, and needs to use a separate transaction in a separate thread, so care should be taken to not call this method needlessly.

        Specified by:
        getLockInfo in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        the lock info if the document is locked, or null otherwise
      • removeLock

        public Lock removeLock​(DocumentRef docRef)
                        throws LockException
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Removes the lock on the given document.

        The caller principal should be the same as the one who set the lock or to belongs to the administrator group, otherwise an exception will be throw.

        If the document was not locked, does nothing.

        Returns the previous lock info.

        Specified by:
        removeLock in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document to unlock
        the removed lock info, or null if there was no lock
        LockException - if the document is locked by someone else
      • isAdministrator

        protected boolean isAdministrator()
      • applyDefaultPermissions

        public void applyDefaultPermissions​(String userOrGroupName)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Applies default Read permissions on root JCR Document for the given user or group name. It can only be called by Administrators.

        Usage: As an administrator, you may want to add new users or groups. This method needs to be called to grand default reading permissions on the root document of the repository for the newly created users/groups.

        Specified by:
        applyDefaultPermissions in interface CoreSession
      • publishDocument

        public DocumentModel publishDocument​(DocumentModel docToPublish,
                                             DocumentModel section)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Publishes the document in a section overwriting any existing proxy to the same document. This is simmilar to publishDocument(docToPublish, section, true);
        Specified by:
        publishDocument in interface CoreSession
        The proxy document that was created
      • getSuperParentType

        public String getSuperParentType​(DocumentModel doc)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Returns the type of his parent SuperSpace (workspace, section, etc.). SuperSpace is qualified by the SuperSpace facet.
        Specified by:
        getSuperParentType in interface CoreSession
      • getSuperSpace

        public DocumentModel getSuperSpace​(DocumentModel doc)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Returns the parent SuperSpace (workspace, section, etc.). SuperSpace is qualified by the SuperSpace facet.
        Specified by:
        getSuperSpace in interface CoreSession
        DocumentModel of SuperSpace
      • orderBefore

        public void orderBefore​(DocumentRef parent,
                                String src,
                                String dest)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Given a parent document, order the source child before the destination child. The source and destination must be name of child documents of the given parent document. (a document name can be retrieved using docModel.getName()) To place the source document at the end of the children list use a null destination node.
        Specified by:
        orderBefore in interface CoreSession
        parent - the parent document
        src - the document to be moved (ordered)
        dest - the document before which the reordered document will be placed If null the source document will be placed at the end of the children list
      • refreshDocument

        public DocumentModel.DocumentModelRefresh refreshDocument​(DocumentRef ref,
                                                                  int refreshFlags,
                                                                  String[] schemas)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Internal method - it is used internally by DocumentModel.refresh()

        Get fresh data from a document given a description of what kind of data should be refetched.

        The refresh information is specified using a bit mask. See DocumentModel for all accepted flags.

        When the flag DocumentModel.REFRESH_CONTENT_IF_LOADED is specified a third argument must be passed representing the schema names for document parts to refresh. This argument is ignored if the flag is not specified or no schema names are provided

        Specified by:
        refreshDocument in interface CoreSession
        ref - the document reference
        refreshFlags - refresh flags as defined in DocumentModel
        schemas - the schema names if a partial content refresh is required
        a DocumentModelRefresh object
      • getPermissionsToCheck

        public String[] getPermissionsToCheck​(String permission)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Provides the full list of all permissions or groups of permissions that contain the given one (inclusive). It makes the method available remotely.
        Specified by:
        getPermissionsToCheck in interface CoreSession
        the list, as an array of strings.
      • adaptFirstMatchingDocumentWithFacet

        public <T extends DetachedAdapter> T adaptFirstMatchingDocumentWithFacet​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                                                                 String facet,
                                                                                 Class<T> adapterClass)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Find the first parent with the given facet and adapt it on the adapterClass.

        This method does not check the permissions on the document to be adapted of this CoreSession's Principal, and so the adapter must not need other schemas from the DocumentModel except the schemas related to the given facet.

        Specified by:
        adaptFirstMatchingDocumentWithFacet in interface CoreSession
        the first parent with the given facet adapted, or null if no parent found or the document does not support the given adapterClass.
      • getFirstParentDocumentWithFacet

        protected Document getFirstParentDocumentWithFacet​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                                           String facet)
        Returns the first Document with the given facet, recursively going up the parent hierarchy. Returns null if there is no more parent.

        This method does not check security rights.

      • getBinaryFulltext

        public Map<String,​String> getBinaryFulltext​(DocumentRef ref)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets the fulltext extracted from the binary fields. We defined a new API for that to avoid to store in the cache the fulltext properties which could be huge. This method handle if document is a proxy or not. Historically, VCS doesn't store fulltext properties for proxies (note that DBS does).
        Specified by:
        getBinaryFulltext in interface CoreSession
        ref - the document reference
        the fulltext map or null if not supported.
      • getOrCreateDocument

        public DocumentModel getOrCreateDocument​(DocumentModel docModel)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets a document if it exists, otherwise creates it. This is done atomically to prevent different threads from trying to create the same document. If the document did not exist and is therefore created, the current transaction is committed and the newly-created document is also committed in its own transaction.

        WARNING: As the current transaction is impacted, using this method instead of CoreSession.createDocument(DocumentModel) could lead to inconsistent behaviour in case of rollback.

        Specified by:
        getOrCreateDocument in interface CoreSession
        docModel - the document model
        the existing or created document
      • getOrCreateDocument

        public DocumentModel getOrCreateDocument​(DocumentModel docModel,
                                                 Function<DocumentModel,​DocumentModel> postCreate)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Gets a document if it exists, otherwise creates it. This is done atomically to prevent different threads from trying to create the same document. If the document did not exist and is therefore created, the current transaction is committed and the newly-created document is also committed in its own transaction.

        WARNING: As the current transaction is impacted, using this method instead of CoreSession.createDocument(DocumentModel) could lead to inconsistent behaviour in case of rollback.

        Specified by:
        getOrCreateDocument in interface CoreSession
        docModel - the document model
        postCreate - the function to apply after creating the document
        the existing or created document
      • computeKeyForAtomicCreation

        protected String computeKeyForAtomicCreation​(DocumentModel docModel)
      • replaceBlobDigest

        public String replaceBlobDigest​(DocumentRef docRef,
                                        String key,
                                        String newKey,
                                        String newDigest)
        Description copied from interface: CoreSession
        Visits the blobs of a document and, for those with a matching key, replace their key and digest with new ones.
        Specified by:
        replaceBlobDigest in interface CoreSession
        docRef - the document reference
        key - the bob key to look for
        newKey - the new key
        newDigest - the new digest
        the old digest if at least one replacement was done, null otherwise