AbstractBlobGarbageCollector |
Basic implementation for a garbage collector recording marked or to-delete blobs in memory.
AbstractBlobProvider |
Abstract implementation for BlobProvider providing common logic.
AbstractBlobStore |
Basic helper implementations for a BlobStore .
AbstractBlobStoreConfiguration |
Basic configuration for a blob store.
AESBlobProvider |
A blob provider that encrypts binaries on the filesystem using AES.
AESBlobStore |
A blob store that encrypts binaries on the filesystem using AES.
AESBlobStore.DecryptingInputStream |
Input stream that decrypts while reading.
AESBlobStore.EncryptingOutputStream |
Output stream that encrypts while writing.
AESBlobStoreConfiguration |
Configuration for the AES-encrypted storage of files.
AsyncDigestListener |
Schedules the async digest work.
BlobContext |
Context of blob (what document it's part of, its xpath, etc.).
BlobDeleteListener |
Called periodically by a scheduler to delete the blobs marked for deletion, if enough time has elapsed.
BlobDispatcher.BlobDispatch |
BlobDispatcherDescriptor |
BlobInfo |
Class describing information from a Blob , suitable for serialization and storage.
BlobInfoContext |
Context of blob being read (what document it's part of, its xpath, etc.).
BlobManagerComponent |
Implementation of the service managing the storage and retrieval of Blob s, through internally-registered
BlobProvider s.
BlobManagerComponent.BlobProviderDescriptorRegistry |
BlobProviderDescriptor |
BlobStatus |
Status associated to a blob in storage.
BlobStore.OptionalOrUnknown<T> |
A class representing an unknown value, a missing value, or a present (non-null) value.
BlobStoreBlobProvider |
BlobStoreBlobProvider.AutoDeleteFileInputStream |
BlobUpdateContext |
Context available when a blob is updated in a blob provider.
BlobUpdateContext.ColdStorageClass |
BlobUpdateContext.RestoreForDuration |
BlobUpdateContext.UpdateLegalHold |
BlobUpdateContext.UpdateRetainUntil |
BlobWriteContext |
Context available when a blob is written.
ByteRange |
A byte range.
CachingBlobStore |
Blob store wrapper that caches blobs locally because fetching them may be expensive.
CachingBlobStore.PathInfo |
CachingConfiguration |
Configuration for a cache.
ComputeDigestHelper |
Helper class to compute and replace a blob digest.
ComputeDigestWork |
Work to compute a blob digest asynchronously.
DefaultBlobDispatcher |
Default blob dispatcher, that uses the repository name as the blob provider.
DefaultBlobDispatcher.Clause |
DefaultBlobDispatcher.Rule |
DigestConfiguration |
Configuration for the digest.
DocumentBlobManagerComponent |
Implementation of the service managing Blob s associated to a Document or a repository.
EmptyBlobStore |
Blob store that stores nothing, useful only when there's a cache in front of it; mostly for unit tests.
FilesystemBlobProvider |
Blob provider that can reference files on the filesystem.
InMemoryBlobProvider |
Blob storage in memory, mostly for unit tests.
InMemoryBlobStore |
Blob storage in memory, mostly for unit tests.
KeyStrategyDigest |
Represents computation of blob keys based on a message digest.
KeyStrategyDigest.WriteObserverDigest |
Write observer computing a digest.
KeyStrategyDocId |
Represents computation of blob keys based on the document id suffixed by the xpath if not the main blob.
KeyStrategyManaged |
Represents trusted managed blob key computation with a fallback KeyStrategy
LocalBlobProvider |
A simple blob provider storing blobs on the local filesystem.
LocalBlobStore |
Blob storage as files on a local filesystem.
LocalBlobStoreConfiguration |
Configuration for the local storage of files.
PathStrategy |
Decides at what path a given key is stored.
PathStrategyFlat |
Stores a file in a directory based on its key.
PathStrategyShortened |
PathStrategySubDirs |
Stores a file in a nested subdirectory based on the initial characters of the key, in groups of 2.
PropertyBasedConfiguration |
Basic configuration based on properties.
SimpleManagedBlob |
Simple managed blob implementation holding just a key and delegating to its provider for implementation.
TransactionalBlobStore |
Transactional Blob Store.
TransactionalBlobStore.TransientInfo |
Transient data recording operations applied to a blob, to be executed on the permanent store at commit time.