Class DialectH2

  • public class DialectH2
    extends Dialect
    H2-specific dialect.
    Florent Guillaume
    • Field Detail


        protected static final List<String> RESERVED_KEYWORDS
      • usersSeparator

        protected final String usersSeparator
      • disableVersionACL

        protected final boolean disableVersionACL
      • disableReadVersionPermission

        protected final boolean disableReadVersionPermission
    • Method Detail

      • isAllowedConversion

        public boolean isAllowedConversion​(int expected,
                                           int actual,
                                           String actualName,
                                           int actualSize)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Check mismatches between expected and actual JDBC types read from database introspection.
        isAllowedConversion in class Dialect
      • getDialectFulltextQuery

        public String getDialectFulltextQuery​(String query)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the dialect-specific version of a fulltext query.
        Specified by:
        getDialectFulltextQuery in class Dialect
        query - the CMIS-syntax-based fulltext query string
        the dialect native fulltext query string
      • getMaterializeFulltextSyntheticColumn

        public boolean getMaterializeFulltextSyntheticColumn()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does the fulltext synthetic column have to be materialized.
        Specified by:
        getMaterializeFulltextSyntheticColumn in class Dialect
      • getFulltextIndexedColumns

        public int getFulltextIndexedColumns()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Specifies what columns of the fulltext table have to be indexed.
        Specified by:
        getFulltextIndexedColumns in class Dialect
        0 for none, 1 for the synthetic one, 2 for the individual ones
      • supportsUpdateFrom

        public boolean supportsUpdateFrom()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does the dialect support UPDATE t SET ... FROM t, u WHERE ... ?
        Specified by:
        supportsUpdateFrom in class Dialect
      • doesUpdateFromRepeatSelf

        public boolean doesUpdateFromRepeatSelf()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        When doing an UPDATE t SET ... FROM t, u WHERE ..., does the FROM clause need to repeate the updated table (t).
        Specified by:
        doesUpdateFromRepeatSelf in class Dialect
      • getClobCast

        public String getClobCast​(boolean inOrderBy)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        When using a CLOB field in an expression, is some casting required and with what pattern?

        Needed for H2.

        getClobCast in class Dialect
        inOrderBy - true if the expression is for an ORDER BY column
        a pattern for String.format with one parameter for the column name and one for the width, or null if no cast is required
      • getSecurityCheckSql

        public String getSecurityCheckSql​(String idColumnName)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Gets the expression to use to check security.
        Specified by:
        getSecurityCheckSql in class Dialect
        idColumnName - the quoted name of the id column to use
        an SQL expression with two parameters (principals and permissions) that is true if access is allowed
      • getInTreeSql

        public String getInTreeSql​(String idColumnName,
                                   String id)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Gets the expression to use to check tree membership.
        Specified by:
        getInTreeSql in class Dialect
        idColumnName - the quoted name of the id column to use
        id - the id, to check syntax with respect to specialized id column types
        an SQL expression with one parameters for the based id that is true if the document is under base id, or null if the query cannot match
      • supportsArrays

        public boolean supportsArrays()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does the dialect support passing ARRAY values (to stored procedures mostly).

        If not, we'll simulate them using a string and a separator.

        supportsArrays in class Dialect
        true if ARRAY values are supported
      • getUpsertSql

        public String getUpsertSql​(List<Column> columns,
                                   List<Serializable> values,
                                   List<Column> outColumns,
                                   List<Serializable> outValues)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Gets the SQL string for an UPSERT expression.
        Specified by:
        getUpsertSql in class Dialect
        columns - the columns to upsert (first one being the key column)
        values - the values to upsert (first one being the key value)
        outColumns - the columns to use in the prepared statement
        outValues - the values to use in the prepared statement
      • isConcurrentUpdateException

        public boolean isConcurrentUpdateException​(Throwable t)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Checks if an exception received means that a concurrent update was detected.
        isConcurrentUpdateException in class Dialect
      • getSQLStatementsFilename

        public String getSQLStatementsFilename()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Gets the name of the file containing the SQL statements.
        Specified by:
        getSQLStatementsFilename in class Dialect
      • isClusteringSupported

        public boolean isClusteringSupported()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Checks that clustering is supported.
        isClusteringSupported in class Dialect
      • getClusterInsertInvalidations

        public String getClusterInsertInvalidations()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Gets the SQL to send an invalidation to the cluster.
        getClusterInsertInvalidations in class Dialect
        an SQL statement with parameters for: nodeId, id, fragments, kind
      • getClusterGetInvalidations

        public String getClusterGetInvalidations()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Gets the SQL to query invalidations for this cluster node.
        getClusterGetInvalidations in class Dialect
        an SQL statement returning a result set
      • supportsPaging

        public boolean supportsPaging()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Indicates if dialect supports paging
        supportsPaging in class Dialect
        true if the dialect supports paging
      • addPagingClause

        public String addPagingClause​(String sql,
                                      long limit,
                                      long offset)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Returns the SQL query with a paging clause
        addPagingClause in class Dialect
      • getUsersSeparator

        public String getUsersSeparator()
      • getBlobLengthFunction

        public String getBlobLengthFunction()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Gets the SQL function that returns the length of a blob, in bytes.
        getBlobLengthFunction in class Dialect
      • getAncestorsIdsSql

        public String getAncestorsIdsSql()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Gets the SQL query to get the ancestors of a set of ids.
        getAncestorsIdsSql in class Dialect
        null if not available
      • checkStoredProcedure

        public List<String> checkStoredProcedure​(String procName,
                                                 String procCreate,
                                                 String ddlMode,
                                                 Connection connection,
                                                 JDBCLogger logger,
                                                 Map<String,​Serializable> properties)
                                          throws SQLException
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Checks if a given stored procedure exists and is identical to the passed creation SQL.

        There are 3 cases to deal with, and actions to perform:

        • the stored procedure doesn't exist, and must be created (create the stored procedure);
        • the stored procedure exists but is not up to date (drop the old stored procedure and re-create it);
        • the stored procedure exists and is up to date (nothing to do).

        When there is nothing to do, null is returned. Otherwise the returned value is a list of SQL statements to execute. Note that the SQL statements will include also INSERT statements to be executed to remember the creation SQL itself.

        Specified by:
        checkStoredProcedure in class Dialect
        procName - the stored procedure name
        procCreate - the creation SQL for the stored procedure
        ddlMode - the DDL mode
        connection - the connection
        logger - the logger
        properties - the statement execution properties
        a list of SQL statements