Class AbstractTransientStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractTransientStore

        public AbstractTransientStore()
    • Method Detail

      • exists

        public abstract boolean exists​(String key)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Returns true if an entry exists with the given key.
        Specified by:
        exists in interface TransientStore
      • putParameter

        public abstract void putParameter​(String key,
                                          String parameter,
                                          Serializable value)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Sets parameter to value in the entry with the given key.

        If entry does not exist a new entry is created. If parameter already exists in the entry it is overwritten.

        Specified by:
        putParameter in interface TransientStore
      • putParameters

        public abstract void putParameters​(String key,
                                           Map<String,​Serializable> parameters)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Puts parameters in the entry with the given key. Overwrites any existing parameter in the entry.

        If entry does not exist a new entry is created.

        Specified by:
        putParameters in interface TransientStore
      • getBlobs

        public abstract List<Blob> getBlobs​(String key)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Gets the blobs associated with the entry with the given key.

        Returns null if entry does not exist.

        Specified by:
        getBlobs in interface TransientStore
      • getSize

        public abstract long getSize​(String key)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Returns the size of the blobs associated with the entry with the given key or -1 if entry does not exist.
        Specified by:
        getSize in interface TransientStore
      • isCompleted

        public abstract boolean isCompleted​(String key)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Returns true if the entry with the given key is ready.
        Specified by:
        isCompleted in interface TransientStore
      • setCompleted

        public abstract void setCompleted​(String key,
                                          boolean completed)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Marks the entry with the given key as ready.

        If entry does not exist a new entry is created.

        Specified by:
        setCompleted in interface TransientStore
      • release

        public abstract void release​(String key)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Informs the store that the entry with the given key can be released if TTL or GC parameters require to do some cleanup.

        Has no effect if entry does not exist.

        Specified by:
        release in interface TransientStore
      • persistBlobs

        protected abstract void persistBlobs​(String key,
                                             long sizeOfBlobs,
                                             List<Map<String,​String>> blobInfos)
        Updates the total storage size and the storage size of the entry with the given key according to sizeOfBlobs and stores the blob information in this entry.
      • setStorageSize

        protected abstract void setStorageSize​(long newSize)
        Sets the size of the disk storage in bytes.
      • incrementStorageSize

        protected abstract long incrementStorageSize​(long size)
      • decrementStorageSize

        protected abstract long decrementStorageSize​(long size)
      • removeAllEntries

        protected abstract void removeAllEntries()
      • removeEntry

        protected abstract void removeEntry​(String key)
      • putBlobs

        public void putBlobs​(String key,
                             List<Blob> blobs)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Associates the given blobs with the entry with the given key.

        If entry does not exist a new entry is created.

        Specified by:
        putBlobs in interface TransientStore
      • getCachingDirectory

        public File getCachingDirectory​(String key)
      • getCachingDirName

        protected String getCachingDirName​(String key)
      • getSizeOfBlobs

        protected long getSizeOfBlobs​(List<Blob> blobs)
      • doGC

        public void doGC()
        Description copied from interface: TransientStoreProvider
        Runs garbage collecting to delete the file system resources that are associated with entries that were removed.
        Specified by:
        doGC in interface TransientStoreProvider
      • getKeyCachingDirName

        protected String getKeyCachingDirName​(String dir)
      • getFilePathSize

        protected long getFilePathSize​(Path entry)
      • remove

        public void remove​(String key)
        Description copied from interface: TransientStore
        Removes entry with the given key.

        Has no effect if entry does not exist.

        Specified by:
        remove in interface TransientStore
      • removeBlobs

        protected void removeBlobs​(String key)
      • getCacheDir

        public File getCacheDir()