Class TransientStoreWork

    • Constructor Detail

      • TransientStoreWork

        public TransientStoreWork()
      • TransientStoreWork

        public TransientStoreWork​(String id)
    • Method Detail

      • computeEntryKey

        public static String computeEntryKey​(String id)
      • putBlobHolder

        public static void putBlobHolder​(String key,
                                         BlobHolder bh)
        Stores the given BlobHolder as an entry with the given key in the transient store used by the TransientStoreWork.
      • getBlobHolder

        public static BlobHolder getBlobHolder​(String key)
        Returns a BlobHolder representing the entry with the given key in the transient store used by the TransientStoreWork or null if the entry doesn't exist.
      • containsBlobHolder

        public static boolean containsBlobHolder​(String key)
        Returns true if a BlobHolder is stored for the given key.
      • removeBlobHolder

        public static void removeBlobHolder​(String key)
      • computeEntryKey

        protected void computeEntryKey()
      • putBlobHolder

        protected void putBlobHolder​(BlobHolder bh)
      • getEntryKey

        public String getEntryKey()
      • isIdempotent

        public boolean isIdempotent()
        Description copied from interface: Work
        Returns true if a work with a given Work.getId() should always produce the same result. The WorkManager implementation can safely skip duplicate executions of idempotent work.