Class WorkComputation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WorkComputation
    extends AbstractComputation
    A Stream computation that consumes works.
    • Field Detail

      • workIds

        protected final org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.CircularFifoBuffer workIds
      • workTimer

        protected final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Timer workTimer
      • stateTTL

        protected final long stateTTL
      • work

        protected Work work
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkComputation

        public WorkComputation​(String name)
    • Method Detail

      • signalStop

        public void signalStop()
        Description copied from interface: Computation
        A hook to inform that computation will be soon destroyed. It gives a way for long processing to cooperate to a quick shutdown.
        This method is not invoked from the computation thread, it should only set some volatile flag and returns immediately.
      • processRecord

        public void processRecord​(ComputationContext context,
                                  String inputStreamName,
                                  Record record)
        Description copied from interface: Computation
        Process an incoming record on one of the computation's input streams.
        context - The computation context object provided by the system.
        inputStreamName - Name of the input stream that provides the record.
        record - The record.
      • cleanupWorkInFailure

        protected void cleanupWorkInFailure​(Work work,
                                            Exception exception)
      • deserialize

        public static Work deserialize​(byte[] data)
      • serialize

        public static byte[] serialize​(Work work)