Interface Session

    • Method Detail

      • getEntry

        DocumentModel getEntry​(String id)
        Retrieves a directory entry using its id.

        TODO what happens when the entry is not found? return null if not found?

        id - the entry id
        a DocumentModel representing the entry
      • getEntry

        DocumentModel getEntry​(String id,
                               boolean fetchReferences)
        Retrieves a directory entry using its id.
        id - the entry id
        fetchReferences - boolean stating if references have to be fetched
        a DocumentModel representing the entry
      • getEntries

        DocumentModelList getEntries()
        since 6.0 Use query method instead with parameters
        Retrieves all the entries in the directory. If the remote server issues a size limit exceeded error while sending partial results up to that limit, the method DocumentModelList#totalsize on the returned list will return -2 as a special marker for truncated results.
        a collection with all the entries in the directory
        SizeLimitExceededException - if the number of results is larger than the limit configured for the directory and the server does not send partial results.
      • createEntry

        DocumentModel createEntry​(Map<String,​Object> fieldMap)
        Creates an entry in a directory.
        fieldMap - A map with keys and values that should be stored in a directory

        Note: The values in the map should be of type String

        The new entry created in the directory
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the directory does not allow the creation of new entries
      • updateEntry

        void updateEntry​(DocumentModel docModel)
        Updates a directory entry.
        docModel - The entry to update
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the directory does not support entry updating
      • deleteEntry

        void deleteEntry​(DocumentModel docModel)
        Deletes a directory entry.
        docModel - The entry to delete
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the directory does not support entry deleting
      • deleteEntry

        void deleteEntry​(String id)
        Deletes a directory entry by id.
        id - the id of the entry to delete
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the directory does not support entry deleting
      • deleteEntry

        void deleteEntry​(String id,
                         Map<String,​String> map)
        since 9.2 (unused), use deleteEntry(String) instead.
        Deletes a directory entry by id and secondary ids.

        This is used for hierarchical vocabularies, where the actual unique key is the couple (parent, id).

        id - the id of the entry to delete.
        map - a map of secondary key values.
      • query

        DocumentModelList query​(Map<String,​Serializable> filter)
        Executes a simple query. The conditions will be 'AND'-ed. Search is done with exact match.

        Does not fetch reference fields.

        If the remote server issues a size limit exceeded error while sending partial results up to that limit, the method DocumentModelList#totalsize on the returned list will return -2 as a special marker for truncated results.
        filter - a filter to apply to entries in directory
        a list of document models containing the entries matched by the query
        SizeLimitExceededException - if the number of results is larger than the limit configured for the directory and the server does not send partial results.
      • query

        DocumentModelList query​(Map<String,​Serializable> filter,
                                Set<String> fulltext)
        Executes a simple query. The conditions will be 'AND'-ed.

        fieldNames present in the fulltext set are treated as a fulltext match. Does not fetch reference fields.

        If the remote server issues a size limit exceeded error while sending partial results up to that limit, the method DocumentModelList#totalsize on the returned list will return -2 as a special marker for truncated results.
        filter - a filter to apply to entries in directory
        fulltext - a set of field that should be treated as a fulltext search
        a list of document models containing the entries matched by the query
        SizeLimitExceededException - if the number of results is larger than the limit configured for the directory and the server does not send partial results.
      • query

        DocumentModelList query​(Map<String,​Serializable> filter,
                                Set<String> fulltext,
                                Map<String,​String> orderBy)
        Executes a simple query. The conditions will be 'AND'-ed and the result will be sorted by the orderBy criteria list.

        fieldNames present in the fulltext set are treated as a fulltext match. Does not fetch reference fields.

        If the remote server issues a size limit exceeded error while sending partial results up to that limit, the method DocumentModelList#totalsize on the returned list will return -2 as a special marker for truncated results.
        filter - a filter to apply to entries in directory
        orderBy - a LinkedHashMap with the 'order by' criterias.The key of an entry of this map represents the column name and the value of the same entry represent the column order,which may be 'asc' or 'desc'.
        fulltext - a set of field that should be treated as a fulltext search
        a list of document models containing the entries matched by the query
        SizeLimitExceededException - if the number of results is larger than the limit configured for the directory and the server does not send partial results.
      • query

        DocumentModelList query​(Map<String,​Serializable> filter,
                                Set<String> fulltext,
                                Map<String,​String> orderBy,
                                boolean fetchReferences,
                                int limit,
                                int offset)
        Executes a query with the possibility to fetch a subset of the results. provides a default implementation fetching all results to return the subset. Not recommended.
        limit - maximum number of results ignored if less than 1
        offset - number of rows skipped before starting, will be 0 if less than 0.
        See Also:
        query(Map, Set, Map, boolean)
      • query

        DocumentModelList query​(QueryBuilder queryBuilder,
                                boolean fetchReferences)
        Executes a query with the possibility to fetch a subset of the results.
        queryBuilder - the query to use, including limit, offset, ordering and countTotal
        fetchReferences - boolean stating if references have to be fetched
        the list of documents, where the total size may be present if countTotal was true
      • queryIds

        List<String> queryIds​(QueryBuilder queryBuilder)
        Executes a query with the possibility to fetch a subset of the results. Returns the matching ids.
        queryBuilder - the query to use, including limit, offset and ordering
        the list of document ids
      • close

        void close()
        Closes the session and all open result sets obtained from this session.

        Releases this Connection object's resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released.

        TODO: should this operation auto-commit pending changes?

        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
      • getProjection

        List<String> getProjection​(Map<String,​Serializable> filter,
                                   String columnName)
        Executes a query using filter and return only the column columnName.
        filter - the filter for the query
        columnName - the column whose content should be returned
        the list with the values of columnName for the entries matching filter
        SizeLimitExceededException - if the number of results is larger than the limit configured for the directory
      • isAuthenticating

        boolean isAuthenticating()
        Tells whether the directory implementation can be used as an authenticating backend for the UserManager (based on login / password check).
        true is the directory is authentication aware
      • authenticate

        boolean authenticate​(String username,
                             String password)
        Checks that the credentials provided by the UserManager match those registered in the directory. If username is not in the directory, this should return false instead of throrwing an exception.
        true is the credentials match those stored in the directory
      • getIdField

        String getIdField()
        The Id field is the name of the field that is used a primary key: unique and not null value in the whole directory. This field is also used as login field if the directory is authenticating.
        the name of the id field
      • getPasswordField

        String getPasswordField()
        the name of the field to store the password if the directory is authenticating (can be null)
      • isReadOnly

        boolean isReadOnly()
      • hasEntry

        boolean hasEntry​(String id)
        Returns true if session has an entry with given id.
      • createEntry

        DocumentModel createEntry​(DocumentModel entry)
        Creates an entry in a directory.
        entry - the document model representing the entry to create
        The new entry created in the directory
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the directory does not allow the creation of new entries
      • setReadAllColumns

        void setReadAllColumns​(boolean readAllColumns)
        For test framework. Changes the read/query methods to return all of the entries, including the password field.
        readAllColumns - whether to read all columns