Interface LogEntry

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        long getId()
        the log identifier
      • setId

        void setId​(long id)
      • getPrincipalName

        String getPrincipalName()
        Returns the name of the principal who originated the log entry.
        the name of the principal who originated the log entry
      • setPrincipalName

        void setPrincipalName​(String principalName)
      • getEventId

        String getEventId()
        Returns the identifier of the event that originated the log entry.
        the identifier of the event that originated the log entry
      • setEventId

        void setEventId​(String eventId)
      • getLogDate

        Date getLogDate()
        the date of the log insertion: this up to max transaction timeout later than eventDate. This date is useful for services such as Nuxeo Drive that need fine grained incremental near-monotonic access to the audit log.
        5.7, 5.6-HF16
      • setLogDate

        void setLogDate​(Date logDate)
      • getEventDate

        Date getEventDate()
        Returns the date of the event that originated the log entry.
        the date of the event that originated the log entry
      • setEventDate

        void setEventDate​(Date eventDate)
      • getDocUUID

        String getDocUUID()
        Returns the doc UUID related to the log entry.

        It might be null if the event that originated the event is noe bound to any document.

        the doc UUID related to the log entry.
      • setDocUUID

        void setDocUUID​(String docUUID)
      • getDocPath

        String getDocPath()
        Returns the doc path related to the log entry.

        It might be null if the event that originated the event is noe bound to any document.

        the doc path related to the log entry.
      • setDocPath

        void setDocPath​(String docPath)
      • getDocType

        String getDocType()
        Returns the doc type related to the log entry.

        It might be null if the event that originated the event is not bound to any document.

        the doc type related to the log entry.
      • setDocType

        void setDocType​(String docType)
      • getCategory

        String getCategory()
        Returns the category for this log entry.

        This is defined at client level. Categories are not restricted in any ways.

        the category for this log entry.
      • setCategory

        void setCategory​(String category)
      • getComment

        String getComment()
        Returns the associated comment for this log entry.
        the associated comment for this log entry
      • setComment

        void setComment​(String comment)
      • getDocLifeCycle

        String getDocLifeCycle()
        Return the life cycle if the document related to the log entry.

        It might be null if the event that originated the event is noe bound to any document.

        the life cycle if the document related to the log entry.
      • setDocLifeCycle

        void setDocLifeCycle​(String docLifeCycle)
      • getRepositoryId

        String getRepositoryId()
        Returns the repository id related to the log entry.
        the repository id
      • setRepositoryId

        void setRepositoryId​(String repositoryId)
      • getPreprocessedComment

        UIAuditComment getPreprocessedComment()
        Return the comment preprocessed to be ready for display. (extract info about linked documents) Only available when accessed via the entry is fetched via the AuditPageProvider
      • setPreprocessedComment

        void setPreprocessedComment​(UIAuditComment uiComment)