PDFAddPageNumbersOperation |
Add page numbers to the PDF.
PDFConvertToPicturesOperation |
Converts each page of a PDF into a picture.
PDFEncryptOperation |
Encrypts the PDF with the given permissions.
PDFEncryptReadOnlyOperation |
Encrypts the PDF to "readonly" for users.
PDFExtractInfoOperation |
Extracts PDF info to specific fields.
PDFExtractLinksOperation |
Returns a JSON string of an array of objects with page, subType, text and link fields.
PDFExtractPagesOperation |
Extract pages from startPage to endPage (inclusive) from the input object.
PDFExtractTextOperation |
Extracts raw text from a PDF.
PDFMergeBlobsOperation |
Merges Blobs into a single PDF.
PDFMergeDocumentsOperation |
The input document(s) always is(are) the first PDF(s), and each pdf is read in the xpath field.
PDFRemoveEncryptionOperation |
Removes the encryption, returns a copy of the blob.
PDFWatermarkImageOperation |
Return a new blob combining the input PDF and the watermark image blob given as a parameter.
PDFWatermarkPDFOperation |
Returns a new blob combining the input PDF and an overlaid PDF on every page.
PDFWatermarkTextOperation |
Return a new blob combining the input PDF and the watermark text given as a parameter.