Interface DashBoardItem

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        Returns the identifier of the workflow task instance.
        the identifier of the dash board item.
      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the name of the DashBoardItem.
        the name of the DashBoardItem
      • getDocRef

        DocumentRef getDocRef()
        Returns the document reference on which the item is bound.
        a document reference instance
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Returns the description of the item.
        the description of the item
      • getComment

        String getComment()
        Returns the associated item comment.
        the associated item comment
      • getStartDate

        Date getStartDate()
        Returns the date when the task has been started.
        the date when the task has been started
      • getDueDate

        Date getDueDate()
        Returns the date at which the task needs to be closed.
        the date at which the task needs to be closed
      • getDirective

        String getDirective()
        Returns the item associated directive.
        the item associated directive
      • getDocument

        DocumentModel getDocument()
        Returns the icon path for the doc ref.
        the icon path for the doc ref
      • isExpired

        boolean isExpired()
        Does the user reach the deadline?
        the expired flag.
      • getTask

        Task getTask()
        Returns the underneath task instance
      • setLocale

        void setLocale​(Locale locale)
        Defines the Locale that will be used to generate translations
      • getI18nTaskName

        String getI18nTaskName()
        Get the Translated TaskName (Locale must be set)
      • getI18nDirective

        String getI18nDirective()
        Get the Translated Task Directive (Locale must be set)
      • asMap

        Map<String,​Object> asMap()
        Returns JSON representation of the item as map
      • getDocumentLink

        String getDocumentLink​(boolean includeWorkflowTab)
        Return the link url to the target Document