Class ComponentPersistence

  • public class ComponentPersistence
    extends Object
    Manage persistent components. Persistent components are located in ${nxserver_data_dir}/components directory, and can be dynamically removed or registered. After framework startup (after the application was completely started) the persistent components are deployed. The layout of the components directory is the following:
    If components are put directly under the root then they will be deployed in the runtime bundle context. If they are put in a directory having as name the symbolicName of a bundle in the system, then the component will be deployed in that bundle context.

    Any files not ending with .xml are ignored. Any directory that doesn't match a bundle symbolic name will be ignored too.

    Dynamic components must use the following name convention: (it is not mandatory but it is recommended)

    • Components deployed in root directory must use as name the file name without the .xml extension.
    • Components deployed in a bundle directory must use the relative file path without the .xml extensions.
    Examples: Given the following component files: components/mycomp1.xml and components/mybundle/mycomp2.xml the name for mycomp1 must be: comp1 and for mycomp2 must be mybundle/mycomp2

    This service is working only with OSGiRuntimeService

    Bogdan Stefanescu