Class WebDriverWait

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WebDriverWait
    extends Object
    implements Wait<org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver>
    An implementation of the Wait interface that makes use of WebDriver. The expected usage is in conjunction with the ExpectedCondition interface.

    Because waiting for elements to appear on a page is such a common use-case, this class will silently swallow NotFoundException whilst waiting.

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected WebDriverWait​( clock, org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver driver, long timeOutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)  
        WebDriverWait​(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver driver, long timeOutInSeconds)  
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebDriverWait

        public WebDriverWait​(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver driver,
                             long timeOutInSeconds)
        driver - The WebDriver instance to pass to the expected conditions
        timeOutInSeconds - The timeout in seconds when an expectation is called
      • WebDriverWait

        protected WebDriverWait​( clock,
                                org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver driver,
                                long timeOutInSeconds,
                                long sleepTimeOut)
        clock - The clock to use when measuring the timeout
        driver - The WebDriver instance to pass to the expected conditions
        timeOutInSeconds - The timeout in seconds when an expectation is
        sleepTimeOut - The timeout used whilst sleeping. Defaults to 500ms called
    • Method Detail

      • until

        public <T> T until​(<org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver,​T> isTrue)
        Description copied from interface: Wait
        Implementations should wait until the condition evaluates to a value that is neither null nor false. Because of this contract, the return type must not be Void.

        If the condition does not become true within a certain time (as defined by the implementing class), this method will throw a non-specified Throwable. This is so that an implementor may throw whatever is idiomatic for a given test infrastructure (e.g. JUnit4 would throw AssertionError.

        Specified by:
        until in interface Wait<org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver>
        Type Parameters:
        T - the return type of the method, which must not be Void
        isTrue - the parameter to pass to the ExpectedCondition
      • throwTimeoutException

        protected void throwTimeoutException​(String message,
                                             Exception lastException)
        Override this method to throw an exception that is idiomatic for a given test infrastructure. E.g. JUnit4 should throw an AssertionError