Class XAnnotatedMember

Direct Known Subclasses:
XAnnotatedContent, XAnnotatedContext, XAnnotatedList, XAnnotatedParent

public class XAnnotatedMember extends Object
Bogdan Stefanescu
  • Field Details

    • accessor

      protected final XAccessor accessor
    • path

      protected Path path
    • trim

      protected boolean trim
    • type

      protected Class<?> type
      The Java type of the described element.
    • xao

      protected XAnnotatedObject xao
      Not null if the described object is an xannotated object.
    • valueFactory

      protected XValueFactory valueFactory
      The value factory used to transform strings in objects compatible with this member type. In the case of collection types this factory is used for collection components.
  • Constructor Details

    • XAnnotatedMember

      protected XAnnotatedMember(XMap xmap, XAccessor accessor)
    • XAnnotatedMember

      public XAnnotatedMember(XMap xmap, XAccessor setter, XNode anno)
  • Method Details