Interface FileSystemChangeSummary

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FileSystemChangeSummary
Summary of file system changes, including:
  • A list of file system item changes
  • A global status code
A document change is implemented by FileSystemItemChange.
Antoine Taillefer
  • Method Details

    • getFileSystemChanges

      List<FileSystemItemChange> getFileSystemChanges()
    • setFileSystemChanges

      void setFileSystemChanges(List<FileSystemItemChange> changes)
    • getSyncDate

      Long getSyncDate()
      the time code of current sync operation in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC rounded to the second as measured on the server clock.
    • getUpperBound

      Long getUpperBound()
      the upper bound of the range clause in the change query. Changes from the current summary instance all happen "strictly before" this bound. This value is expected to be passed to the next call to NuxeoDriveManager.getChangeSummary(org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.NuxeoPrincipal, java.util.Map, long) to get strictly monotonic change summaries (without overlap).
    • getActiveSynchronizationRootDefinitions

      String getActiveSynchronizationRootDefinitions()
    • setActiveSynchronizationRootDefinitions

      void setActiveSynchronizationRootDefinitions(String activeSynchronizationRootDefinitions)
    • setSyncDate

      void setSyncDate(Long syncDate)
    • setUpperBound

      void setUpperBound(Long upperBound)
    • setHasTooManyChanges

      void setHasTooManyChanges(Boolean hasTooManyChanges)
    • getHasTooManyChanges

      Boolean getHasTooManyChanges()