Interface TypeAdapter

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayNodeToList, ArrayStringToDocModelList, ArrayStringToList, CalendarToDate, CollectionToBlobList, CollectionToDocModelList, CollectionToStringList, DocModelListToDocRefList, DocModelToDocModelList, DocModelToDocRef, DocModelToDocRefList, DocRefListToDocModelList, DocRefToDocModel, DocRefToDocModelList, DocRefToDocRefList, IntegerToLong, JsonNodeToProperties, LongToInteger, ObjectNodeToMap, StringToBoolean, StringToCalendar, StringToDate, StringToDocModel, StringToDocModelList, StringToDocRef, StringToInteger, StringToList, StringToLong, StringToProperties, StringToURL

public interface TypeAdapter
An object that can adapt a given object instance to an object of another type A type adapter accepts only one type of objects and can produce only one type of object.
Bogdan Stefanescu
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Adapt the given object to an instance of the given target type.
  • Method Details

    • getAdaptedValue

      Object getAdaptedValue(OperationContext ctx, Object objectToAdapt) throws TypeAdaptException
      Adapt the given object to an instance of the given target type. The input object cannot be null. Throws an exception if the object cannot be adapted.
      TypeAdaptException - when the object cannot be adapted