Uses of Package
Packages that use org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.automation.scripting.internals
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.binary.metadata.internals.operationsClassDescriptionInline properties file content.A string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.collectors
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.blob
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.documentClassDescriptionInline properties file content.A string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.managementClassDescriptionA string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.notificationClassDescriptionA string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.servicesClassDescriptionWraps a
.Adds page support onRecordSet
Inline properties file content.Interface for Wrapping IterableQueryResultA string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required. -
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by properties file content.A string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by properties file content.A string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by properties file content.Interface for Wrapping IterableQueryResultA string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.stack
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.operations.usersClassDescriptionInline properties file content.A string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.utilClassDescriptionEnum describing the format to use when marshaling a date into JSON.Factory interface to create a
from a JSON ObjectHelper to marshaling properties into JSON.Inline properties file content.Interface for Wrapping IterableQueryResult -
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.featuresClassDescriptionA string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.server.jaxrs.batch
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.taskClassDescriptionA string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.csv.coreClassDescriptionA string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.liveconnect.core
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.localconf
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.permissionsClassDescriptionA string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.audit.api
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.pdf
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.pdf.operations
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.picture.operation
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.rendition.operation
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.tag.operationsClassDescriptionA string list can be used as an injectable parameter when a list of strings is required.
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.restapi.server.jaxrs
Classes in org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.util used by org.nuxeo.ecm.restapi.server.jaxrs.adapters