Class PrincipalHelper


public class PrincipalHelper extends Object
Provides helper methods to find extract permissions/principals info from documents.
Bogdan Stefanescu, Anahide Tchertchian
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getEmailsForPermission

      public Set<String> getEmailsForPermission(DocumentModel input, String permission, boolean ignoreGroups)
    • getUserAndGroupIdsForPermission

      public Set<String> getUserAndGroupIdsForPermission(DocumentModel input, String permission, boolean ignoreGroups, boolean resolveGroups, boolean prefixIds)
      Resolves the list of identifiers for users and groups who have the given permission on given document.
      input - document model to resolve users and groups on.
      permission - the permission to check
      ignoreGroups - if true, will ignore groups in resolution of ids
      resolveGroups - if true, will resolve user members, iterating in the hierarchy of groups
      prefixIds - if true, will prefix identifiers with NuxeoPrincipal.PREFIX and NuxeoGroup.PREFIX
    • getPrincipalsForPermission

      public Set<NuxeoPrincipal> getPrincipalsForPermission(DocumentModel input, String permission, boolean ignoreGroups, boolean resolveGroups)
    • getEmailsFromGroup

      public Set<String> getEmailsFromGroup(String groupId, boolean resolveGroups)
    • getPrincipalsFromGroup

      public Set<NuxeoPrincipal> getPrincipalsFromGroup(String groupId, boolean resolveGroups)
    • getUserNamesFromGroup

      public Set<String> getUserNamesFromGroup(String groupId, boolean resolveGroups, boolean prefixIds)
    • collectObjectsFromGroup

      public void collectObjectsFromGroup(String groupId, boolean resolveGroups, org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.features.PrincipalHelper.Collector<?> collector)
    • collectObjectsMatchingPermission

      public HashSet<?> collectObjectsMatchingPermission(DocumentModel input, String permission, boolean ignoreGroups, boolean resolveGroups, org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.features.PrincipalHelper.Collector<?> collector)
    • resolveGroups

      public void resolveGroups(NuxeoGroup group, org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.features.PrincipalHelper.Collector<?> collector)
    • getPermissionsToCheck

      public String[] getPermissionsToCheck(String permission)
    • permissionMatch

      public boolean permissionMatch(String[] perms, String perm)