Class DocumentRefListImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<DocumentRef>, Collection<DocumentRef>, List<DocumentRef>, RandomAccess, DocumentRefList

public class DocumentRefListImpl extends ArrayList<DocumentRef> implements DocumentRefList
Bogdan Stefanescu
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • totalSize

      protected long totalSize
  • Constructor Details

    • DocumentRefListImpl

      public DocumentRefListImpl()
    • DocumentRefListImpl

      public DocumentRefListImpl(int size)
    • DocumentRefListImpl

      public DocumentRefListImpl(List<DocumentRef> list)
    • DocumentRefListImpl

      public DocumentRefListImpl(List<DocumentRef> list, long totalSize)
      Constructs a DocumentModelListImpl and sets the "total size" information.

      The total size is additional information that can be provided in some cases where the list returned is a slice of a bigger list, this is used when getting paged results from a database for instance.

      list - the list of documents
      totalSize - the total size, with -1 meaning "same as the list's size"
  • Method Details

    • setTotalSize

      public void setTotalSize(long totalSize)
    • totalSize

      public long totalSize()
      Description copied from interface: DocumentRefList
      Returns the total size of the bigger list this is a part of.
      Specified by:
      totalSize in interface DocumentRefList
      the total size