Class ConstraintViolation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ValidationViolation

public class ConstraintViolation extends Object implements ValidationViolation
A constraint violation description. Use getMessage(Locale) to get the constraint violation description.

You could customize constraint violation message using the following rules :

  • Use "label.schema.constraint.violation" key in "messages" bundle to customize default message
  • Append the constraint name to the previous key to customize the generic message to some constraint
  • Append the schema and the field name to the previous key to customize the message for a specific constraint applied to some specific schema field.

For each messages, you can use parameters in the message :
  • The invalid value : {0}
  • The schema name : {1}
  • The field name : {2}
  • The constraint name : {3}
  • The first constraint parameter (if exists) : {4}
  • The second constraint parameter (if exists) : {5}
  • ...

Examples :

  • label.schema.constraint.violation=Value '{0}' for field '{1}.{2}' does not respect constraint '{3}'
  • label.schema.constraint.violation.PatternConstraint='{1}.{2}' value ({0}) should match the following format : '{4}'
  • label.schema.constraint.violation.PatternConstraint.myuserschema.firstname ='The firstname should not be empty'
See Also: