Interface BinaryGarbageCollector

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBinaryGarbageCollector, AbstractBlobGarbageCollector, AzureBlobStore.AzureBlobGarbageCollector, AzureGarbageCollector, CachingBlobStore.CachingBinaryGarbageCollector, EmptyBlobStore.EmptyBlobGarbageCollector, GoogleStorageBinaryManager.GoogleStorageBinaryGarbageCollector, GoogleStorageBlobStore.GoogleStorageBlobGarbageCollector, GridFSBinaryManager.GridFSBinaryGarbageCollector, GridFSBlobStore.GridFSBlobGarbageCollector, InMemoryBlobStore.InMemoryBlobGarbageCollector, LocalBinaryManager.DefaultBinaryGarbageCollector, LocalBlobStore.LocalBlobGarbageCollector, S3BinaryManager.S3BinaryGarbageCollector, S3BlobStore.S3BlobGarbageCollector

public interface BinaryGarbageCollector
A Garbage Collector for a BinaryManager.

First, inform the GC that it is started by calling start().

Then for all binaries to mark, call mark(java.lang.String).

Finally when all binaries have been marked, callstop(boolean) to delete the non-marked binaries.

After this, getStatus() returns information about the binaries remaining and those that have been GCed.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets a unique identifier for this garbage collector.
    Gets the status of the binaries to GC and of those that won't be.
    Checks if a GC is in progress.
    mark(String digest)
    Marks a binary as being in use.
    Starts the garbage collection process.
    stop(boolean delete)
    Stops the garbage collection process and deletes all binaries that have not been marked (sweep).
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Gets a unique identifier for this garbage collector. Two garbage collectors that would impact the same files must have the same identifier.
      a unique identifier
    • start

      void start()
      Starts the garbage collection process.

      After this, all active binaries must be fed to the mark(java.lang.String) method.

    • mark

      void mark(String digest)
      Marks a binary as being in use.
      digest - the binary's digest
    • stop

      void stop(boolean delete)
      Stops the garbage collection process and deletes all binaries that have not been marked (sweep).
      delete - true if actual deletion must be performed, false if the binaries to delete should simply be counted in the status
    • getStatus

      BinaryManagerStatus getStatus()
      Gets the status of the binaries to GC and of those that won't be.

      Available after stop(boolean).

      the status
    • isInProgress

      boolean isInProgress()
      Checks if a GC is in progress.

      A GC is in progress is #start has been called but not #stop.

      It's only useful to call this from a separate thread from the one that calls mark(java.lang.String).

      true if a GC is in progress