Class DownloadServiceImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
DownloadService, Adaptable, Component, Extensible, TimestampedService

public class DownloadServiceImpl extends DefaultComponent implements DownloadService
This service allows the download of blobs to a HTTP response.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DownloadServiceImpl

      public DownloadServiceImpl()
  • Method Details

    • start

      public void start(ComponentContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Component
      Start the component. This method is called after all the components were resolved and activated
      Specified by:
      start in interface Component
      start in class DefaultComponent
    • stop

      public void stop(ComponentContext context) throws InterruptedException
      Description copied from interface: Component
      Stop the component.
      Specified by:
      stop in interface Component
      stop in class DefaultComponent
    • storeBlobs

      public String storeBlobs(List<Blob> blobs)
      Stores the blobs for later download. Multipart download are not yet supported. You can only provide a blob singleton at this time.
      Specified by:
      storeBlobs in interface DownloadService
      blobs - the list of blobs to store
      the store key used for retrieving the blobs (@see DownloadService.getDownloadUrl(String)
    • getFullDownloadUrl

      public String getFullDownloadUrl(DocumentModel doc, String xpath, Blob blob, String baseUrl)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Gets the full download URL (after redirects if configured so) for the given blob.
      Specified by:
      getFullDownloadUrl in interface DownloadService
      doc - the document
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, or null for default
      blob - the blob
      baseUrl - the base URL to use for Nuxeo downloads (if there is no redirect)
      the full URL (which may be to a redirected server)
    • getDownloadUrl

      public String getDownloadUrl(DocumentModel doc, String xpath, String filename)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Gets the URL to use to download the blob at the given xpath in the given document.

      The URL is relative to the Nuxeo Web Application context.

      Returns something like nxfile/reponame/docuuid/blobholder:0/foo.jpg?changeToken=5-1

      Specified by:
      getDownloadUrl in interface DownloadService
      doc - the document
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, or null for default
      filename - the blob's filename, or null for default
      the download URL with changeToken as query param for optimized http caching
    • getDownloadUrl

      public String getDownloadUrl(String repositoryName, String docId, String xpath, String filename)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Gets the URL to use to download the blob at the given xpath in the given document.

      The URL is relative to the Nuxeo Web Application context.

      Returns something like nxfile/reponame/docuuid/blobholder:0/foo.jpg

      Specified by:
      getDownloadUrl in interface DownloadService
      repositoryName - the document repository
      docId - the document id
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, or null for default
      filename - the blob's filename, or null for default
      the download URL
    • getDownloadUrl

      public String getDownloadUrl(String repositoryName, String docId, String xpath, String filename, String changeToken)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Gets the URL to use to download the blob at the given xpath in the given document.

      The URL is relative to the Nuxeo Web Application context.

      Returns something like nxfile/reponame/docuuid/blobholder:0/foo.jpg?changeToken=5-1

      Specified by:
      getDownloadUrl in interface DownloadService
      repositoryName - the document repository
      docId - the document id
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, or null for default
      filename - the blob's filename, or null for default
      changeToken - the doc changeToken which will be appended as a query parameter for optimized http caching.
      the download URL
    • getSanitizedFilenameWithoutPath

      protected String getSanitizedFilenameWithoutPath(String filename)
    • getDownloadUrl

      public String getDownloadUrl(String storeKey)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Gets the URL to use to download the blobs identified by a storage key.

      The URL is relative to the Nuxeo Web Application context.

      Returns something like nxbigblob/key

      Specified by:
      getDownloadUrl in interface DownloadService
      storeKey - The key of stored blobs to download
      the download URL
    • getDownloadPathAndAction

      protected org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<String,DownloadServiceImpl.Action> getDownloadPathAndAction(String path)
      Gets the download path and action of the URL to use to download blobs. For instance, from the path "nxfile/default/3727ef6b-cf8c-4f27-ab2c-79de0171a2c8/files:files/0/file/image.png", the pair ("default/3727ef6b-cf8c-4f27-ab2c-79de0171a2c8/files:files/0/file/image.png", Action.DOWNLOAD_FROM_DOC) is returned.
      path - the path of the URL to use to download blobs
      the pair download path and action
    • resolveBlobFromDownloadUrl

      public Blob resolveBlobFromDownloadUrl(String downloadURL)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Finds a document's blob given the download URL returned by DownloadService.getDownloadUrl(org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentModel, java.lang.String, java.lang.String).

      The permissions are check whether the user can download the blob or not.

      Specified by:
      resolveBlobFromDownloadUrl in interface DownloadService
      downloadURL - the URL to use to download the blob
      the blob, or null if not found or if the user has no permission to download it
    • handleDownload

      public void handleDownload(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse resp, String baseUrl, String path) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Handles the download of a document.
      Specified by:
      handleDownload in interface DownloadService
      req - the request
      resp - the response
      baseUrl - the request baseUrl
      path - the request path, without the context
    • isHead

      protected static boolean isHead(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    • handleDownload

      protected void handleDownload(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse resp, String downloadPath, String baseUrl, boolean info) throws IOException
    • downloadBlobStatus

      public void downloadBlobStatus(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String key, String reason) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Triggers a AsyncBlob download which gives information about an asynchronous blob.
      Specified by:
      downloadBlobStatus in interface DownloadService
      key - the stored blobs key
      reason - the download reason
    • downloadBlob

      public void downloadBlob(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String key, String reason) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Triggers a blobs download. Once the temporary blobs are transfered from the store, they are automatically deleted. The returned HTTP Status Code is 200 if the blob is ready or 202 if it is still being processed.
      Specified by:
      downloadBlob in interface DownloadService
      key - the stored blobs key
      reason - the download reason
    • downloadBlob

      protected void downloadBlob(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String key, String reason, boolean status) throws IOException
    • downloadBlob

      @Deprecated public void downloadBlob(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, DocumentModel doc, String xpath, Blob blob, String filename, String reason) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Triggers a blob download.
      Specified by:
      downloadBlob in interface DownloadService
      doc - the document, if available
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, if available
      blob - the blob, if already fetched
      filename - the filename to use
      reason - the download reason
    • downloadBlob

      @Deprecated public void downloadBlob(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, DocumentModel doc, String xpath, Blob blob, String filename, String reason, Map<String,Serializable> extendedInfos) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Triggers a blob download.
      Specified by:
      downloadBlob in interface DownloadService
      doc - the document, if available
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, if available
      blob - the blob, if already fetched
      filename - the filename to use
      reason - the download reason
      extendedInfos - an optional map of extended informations to log
    • downloadBlob

      @Deprecated public void downloadBlob(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, DocumentModel doc, String xpath, Blob blob, String filename, String reason, Map<String,Serializable> extendedInfos, Boolean inline) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Triggers a blob download.
      Specified by:
      downloadBlob in interface DownloadService
      doc - the document, if available
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, if available
      blob - the blob, if already fetched
      filename - the filename to use
      reason - the download reason
      extendedInfos - an optional map of extended informations to log
      inline - if not null, force the inline flag for content-disposition
    • downloadBlob

      @Deprecated public void downloadBlob(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, DocumentModel doc, String xpath, Blob blob, String filename, String reason, Map<String,Serializable> extendedInfos, Boolean inline, Consumer<ByteRange> blobTransferer) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Triggers a blob download.
      Specified by:
      downloadBlob in interface DownloadService
      doc - the document, if available
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, if available
      blob - the blob, if already fetched
      filename - the filename to use
      reason - the download reason
      extendedInfos - an optional map of extended informations to log
      inline - if not null, force the inline flag for content-disposition
      blobTransferer - the transferer of the actual blob
    • downloadBlob

      public void downloadBlob(DownloadService.DownloadContext context) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Triggers a blob download.
      Specified by:
      downloadBlob in interface DownloadService
      context - the download context
    • getByteRange

      protected ByteRange getByteRange(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, long length)
    • getWantDigests

      protected Set<String> getWantDigests(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    • hexToBase64

      protected static String hexToBase64(String hexString)
    • transferBlobWithByteRange

      protected void transferBlobWithByteRange(Blob blob, ByteRange byteRange, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
    • transferBlobWithByteRange

      public void transferBlobWithByteRange(Blob blob, ByteRange byteRange, Supplier<OutputStream> outputStreamSupplier)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Copies the blob stream at the given byte range into the supplied OutputStream.
      Specified by:
      transferBlobWithByteRange in interface DownloadService
      blob - the blob
      byteRange - the byte range
      outputStreamSupplier - the OutputStream supplier
    • fixXPath

      protected String fixXPath(String xpath)
    • resolveBlob

      public Blob resolveBlob(DocumentModel doc)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Finds a document's blob.
      Specified by:
      resolveBlob in interface DownloadService
      doc - the document
      the blob, or null if not available
    • resolveBlob

      public Blob resolveBlob(DocumentModel doc, String xpath)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Finds a document's blob given an xpath or blobholder index
      Specified by:
      resolveBlob in interface DownloadService
      doc - the document
      xpath - the xpath or blobholder index
      the blob, or null if not found
    • checkPermission

      public boolean checkPermission(DocumentModel doc, String xpath, Blob blob, String reason, Map<String,Serializable> extendedInfos)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Checks whether the download of the blob is allowed.
      Specified by:
      checkPermission in interface DownloadService
      doc - the doc for which this download occurs, if available
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, if available
      blob - the blob
      reason - the download reason
      extendedInfos - an optional map of extended informations to log
      true if download is allowed
    • addCacheControlHeaders

      protected void addCacheControlHeaders(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
      Internet Explorer file downloads over SSL do not work with certain HTTP cache control headers


      What is not mentioned in the above Knowledge Base is that "Pragma: no-cache" also breaks download in MSIE over SSL

    • forceNoCacheOnMSIE

      protected static boolean forceNoCacheOnMSIE()
    • logDownload

      public void logDownload(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, DocumentModel doc, String xpath, String filename, String reason, Map<String,Serializable> extendedInfos)
      Description copied from interface: DownloadService
      Logs a download.
      Specified by:
      logDownload in interface DownloadService
      request - the HTTP request, if available
      doc - the doc for which this download occurs, if available
      xpath - the blob's xpath or blobholder index, if available
      filename - the filename
      reason - the download reason
      extendedInfos - an optional map of extended informations to log
    • getPrincipal

      protected static NuxeoPrincipal getPrincipal()