Class SchemaJsonWriter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Marshaller<Schema>, Writer<Schema>

@Setup(mode=SINGLETON, priority=2000) public class SchemaJsonWriter extends ExtensibleEntityJsonWriter<Schema>
Convert Schema to Json.

This marshaller is enrichable: register class implementing AbstractJsonEnricher and managing Schema.

This marshaller is also extensible: extend it and simply override ExtensibleEntityJsonWriter.extend(Object, JsonGenerator).

Format is:

   "name": "SCHEMA_NAME",
   "prefix: "SCHEMA_PREFIX",  <- only if there's a prefix
   "fields", {
     "PRIMITIVE_FIELD_LOCAL_NAME": "FIELD_TYPE", <- where field type is Type.getName() (string, boolean, integer, ...)
     "PRIMITIVE_LIST_LOCAL_NAME": "FIELD_TYPE[]" <- where field type is Type.getName() (string, boolean, integer, ...)
       "type": "complex",
       "fields": {
         loop the same format
       "type": "complex[]",
       "fields": {
         loop the same format
     "CONTENT_FIELD": "blob",
     "CONTENT_LIST_FIELD": "blob[]",
             <-- contextParameters if there are enrichers activated
             <-- additional property provided by extend() method