Class CMISQLQueryMaker

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CMISQLQueryMaker extends Object implements QueryMaker
Transformer of CMISQL queries into real SQL queries for the actual database.
  • Field Details

    • TYPE

      public static final String TYPE
      See Also:

      public static final String CMIS_PREFIX
      See Also:

      public static final String NX_PREFIX
      See Also:

      public static final String DC_FRAGMENT_NAME
      See Also:

      public static final String DC_TITLE_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final String DC_DESCRIPTION_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final String DC_CREATOR_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final String DC_CREATED_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final String DC_MODIFIED_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final String DC_LAST_CONTRIBUTOR_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final String REL_FRAGMENT_NAME
      See Also:

      public static final String REL_SOURCE_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final String REL_TARGET_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final Set<String> NULL_IS_FALSE_COLUMNS

      protected static final Set<String> MIXINS_NOT_PER_INSTANCE
      These mixins never match an instance mixin when used in a clause nuxeo:secondaryObjectTypeIds = 'foo'
    • database

      protected Database database
    • dialect

      protected Dialect dialect
    • model

      protected Model model
    • hierTable

      protected Table hierTable
    • skipDeleted

      public boolean skipDeleted
    • queryUtil

      protected queryUtil
    • query

      protected query
    • fulltextMatchInfo

      protected Dialect.FulltextMatchInfo fulltextMatchInfo
    • lifecycleWhereClauseQualifiers

      protected Set<String> lifecycleWhereClauseQualifiers
    • mixinTypeWhereClauseQualifiers

      protected Set<String> mixinTypeWhereClauseQualifiers
    • qualifierToType

      protected Map<String,String> qualifierToType
      Qualifier to type.
    • canonicalQualifier

      protected Map<String,String> canonicalQualifier
      Qualifier to canonical qualifier (correlation name).
    • allTables

      protected Map<String,Map<String,Table>> allTables
      Map of qualifier -> fragment -> table
    • allQualifiers

      protected Set<String> allQualifiers
      All qualifiers used (includes virtual columns)
    • versionableQualifiers

      protected Set<String> versionableQualifiers
      The qualifiers which correspond to versionable types.
    • realColumns

      protected List<CMISQLQueryMaker.SqlColumn> realColumns
      The columns we'll actually request from the database.
    • realColumnsParams

      protected List<String> realColumnsParams
      Parameters for above (for SCORE expressions on some databases)
    • virtualColumns

      protected Map<String,> virtualColumns
      The non-real-columns we'll return as well.
    • typeInfo

      protected Map<String,org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.definitions.PropertyDefinition<?>> typeInfo
      Type info returned to caller.
    • searchLatestVersion

      protected boolean searchLatestVersion
      Search only latest version = !searchAllVersions.
    • virtualColumnNames

      protected List<String> virtualColumnNames
      used for diagnostic when using DISTINCT
  • Constructor Details

    • CMISQLQueryMaker

      public CMISQLQueryMaker()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: QueryMaker
      Gets the name for this query maker.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface QueryMaker
    • accepts

      public boolean accepts(String queryType)
      Description copied from interface: QueryMaker
      Checks if this query maker accepts a given query.

      Called first.

      Specified by:
      accepts in interface QueryMaker
      queryType - the query
      true if the query is accepted
    • buildQuery

      public QueryMaker.Query buildQuery(SQLInfo sqlInfo, Model model, Session.PathResolver pathResolver, String statement, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
      Builds the query.

      The optional parameters must be passed: params[0] is the NuxeoCmisService, optional params[1] is a type info map, optional params[2] is searchAllVersions (default Boolean.TRUE for this method).

      Specified by:
      buildQuery in interface QueryMaker
      sqlInfo - the sql info
      model - the model
      pathResolver - the path resolver
      statement - the query
      queryFilter - the query filter
      params - additional parameters, maker-specific
    • applySecurityPolicyQueryTransformers

      protected String applySecurityPolicyQueryTransformers(NuxeoCmisService service, NuxeoPrincipal principal, String statement)
      Applies security policies query transformers to the statement, if possible. Otherwise raises an exception.
      org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisRuntimeException - If a security policy prevents doing CMIS queries.
    • findVersionableQualifiers

      protected void findVersionableQualifiers()
    • isFacetsColumn

      protected boolean isFacetsColumn(String name)
    • addSystemColumns

      protected void addSystemColumns(boolean addSystemColumns, boolean distinct)
    • recordSelectSelector

      protected void recordSelectSelector( sel)
      Records a SELECT selector, and associates it to a database column.
    • recordSelector

      protected void recordSelector( sel, CMISQLQueryMaker.ClauseType clauseType)
      Records a JOIN / WHERE / ORDER BY selector, and associates it to a database column.
    • recordColumnFragment

      protected void recordColumnFragment(String qual, Column column)
      Records a database column's fragment (to know what to join).
    • recordFragment

      protected void recordFragment(String qual, Table table)
      Records a database table and qualifier (to know what to join).
    • resolveQualifiers

      protected void resolveQualifiers()
      Finds what qualifiers are allowed and to what correlation name they are mapped.
    • getColumn

      protected Column getColumn( col)
      Finds a database column from a CMIS reference.
    • getSystemColumn

      protected Column getSystemColumn(String qual, String id)
    • getSystemColumn

      protected Column getSystemColumn(String id)
    • getColumnKey

      protected static String getColumnKey( col)
      Get key to use in data returned to high-level caller.
    • getPropertyKey

      protected static String getPropertyKey(String qual, String id)
    • getTypeForQualifier

      protected org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.definitions.TypeDefinition getTypeForQualifier(String qual)
    • getTable

      protected Table getTable(Table table, String qual)
    • getTableAlias

      protected String getTableAlias(Table table, String qual)
    • cmisToFulltextQuery

      protected static String cmisToFulltextQuery(String statement)