Interface TypeProvider

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public interface TypeProvider
A provider of types (schemas, document types, facets).
  • Method Details

    • getSchema

      Schema getSchema(String schema)
      Gets a schema.
    • getSchemas

      Schema[] getSchemas()
      Gets the list of schemas.
    • getDocumentType

      DocumentType getDocumentType(String docType)
      Gets a document type.
    • getDocumentTypes

      DocumentType[] getDocumentTypes()
      Gets the list of document types.
    • getSpecialDocumentTypes

      default Set<String> getSpecialDocumentTypes()
      Gets the list of document types excluded from copy.
    • getFacet

      CompositeType getFacet(String name)
      Gets a facet.
    • getFacets

      CompositeType[] getFacets()
      Gets the list of facets.
    • getNoPerDocumentQueryFacets

      Set<String> getNoPerDocumentQueryFacets()
      Finds which facets are configured as no-per-instance-query.
    • getProxySchemas

      List<Schema> getProxySchemas(String docType)
      Gets the schemas on a proxy for a document of the given type.
    • isProxySchema

      boolean isProxySchema(String schema, String docType)
      Checks if a schema is on a proxy for a document of the given type.