Class ComplexTypeImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ComplexType, Type
Direct Known Subclasses:
CompositeTypeImpl, SchemaImpl

public class ComplexTypeImpl extends AbstractType implements ComplexType
A Complex Type holds several fields.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • fields

      protected final Map<QName,Field> fields
      The fields held by this complex type.
    • fieldsByName

      protected volatile Map<String,Field> fieldsByName
      The map of name or prefixed name to field.
    • ns

      protected final Namespace ns
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • addField

      protected void addField(Field field)
    • addField

      public Field addField(String name, Type type, String defaultValue, int flags, Collection<Constraint> constraints)
      Description copied from interface: ComplexType
      Adds a field to this complex type.

      If the given name is not prefixed it will be prefixed with the type prefix. If one was specified otherwise the default prefix will be used (e.g. "" - no prefix). If the given name is prefixed it will be stored as is (using the specified prefix).

      Specified by:
      addField in interface ComplexType
      name - the field name
      type - the field type
      defaultValue - an optional default value (null if none)
      flags - optional flags
      the created field
    • getNamespace

      public Namespace getNamespace()
      Description copied from interface: ComplexType
      Gets the namespace used by this complex type.
      Specified by:
      getNamespace in interface ComplexType
      the namespace or Namespace.DEFAULT_NS if none was specified
    • getField

      public Field getField(String name)
      Description copied from interface: ComplexType
      Gets the field with the given name.

      If the name is non-prefixed the first matching field is returned if any is found. If the name is prefixed then the right field is returned if any is found.

      Specified by:
      getField in interface ComplexType
      name - the field name
      the field
    • getField

      public Field getField(QName name)
      Description copied from interface: ComplexType
      Gets the field having the given name.
      Specified by:
      getField in interface ComplexType
      name - the name
      the field or null if no field with that name was found
    • getFields

      public Collection<Field> getFields()
      Description copied from interface: ComplexType
      Gets all fields as a (field name, field type) map.
      Specified by:
      getFields in interface ComplexType
      the fields map
    • getFieldsCount

      public int getFieldsCount()
      Description copied from interface: ComplexType
      Gets the number of fields defined for this complex type.
      Specified by:
      getFieldsCount in interface ComplexType
      the fields count
    • hasField

      public boolean hasField(String name)
      Description copied from interface: ComplexType
      Tests whether this type defines the given field name.

      The name is supposed to be non prefixed.

      Specified by:
      hasField in interface ComplexType
      name - the field name
      true if the field exists, false otherwise
    • hasFields

      public boolean hasFields()
      Description copied from interface: ComplexType
      Tests whether this type has any field defined.

      If a complex type has no fields, it is considered as unstructured and it accepts any field with any type and name.

      Specified by:
      hasFields in interface ComplexType
      true if the at least one field exists, false otherwise
    • isComplexType

      public boolean isComplexType()
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Tests whether this type is a complex type.
      Specified by:
      isComplexType in interface Type
      isComplexType in class AbstractType
      true if this type is a complex type, false otherwise
    • validate

      public boolean validate(Object object) throws TypeException
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Tests whether the given object is of this type.
      Specified by:
      validate in interface Type
      validate in class AbstractType
      object - the object to test
      true if the given object if of this type, false otherwise
      TypeException - if an error occurs trying to retrieve the supertypes
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • newInstance

      public Map<String,Object> newInstance()
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Creates a new instance according to this type and filled with default values.
      Specified by:
      newInstance in interface Type
      newInstance in class AbstractType
    • convert

      public Object convert(Object object) throws TypeException
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Converts the given value to an object compatible with the associated type.
      Specified by:
      convert in interface Type
      object - the value to convert
      the converted value
      TypeException - if the value to convert is not compatible with the associated type
    • canonicalXPath

      public static String canonicalXPath(String xpath)
      Canonicalizes a Nuxeo-xpath.

      Replaces a/foo[123]/b with a/123/b

      A star can be used instead of the digits as well (for configuration).

      xpath - the xpath
      the canonicalized xpath.