Class SessionImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Session

public class SessionImpl extends Object implements Session
The session is the main high level access point to data from the underlying database.
  • Field Details


      public static final String COMPAT_REPOSITORY_NAME_KEY
      Set this system property to false if you don't want repositories to be looked up under the compatibility name "default" in the "repositories" table.

      Only do this if you start from an empty database, or if you have migrated the "repositories" table by hand, or if you need to create a new repository in a database already containing a "default" repository (table sharing, not recommended).

      See Also:
    • repository

      protected final RepositoryImpl repository
    • context

      public final PersistenceContext context
    • changeTokenEnabled

      protected final boolean changeTokenEnabled
    • fulltextDescriptor

      protected final FulltextDescriptor fulltextDescriptor
    • registry

      protected final io.dropwizard.metrics5.MetricRegistry registry
    • queryResults

      protected final Set<SessionImpl.QueryResultContext> queryResults
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getMapper

      public Mapper getMapper()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the low-level Mapper for this session.
      Specified by:
      getMapper in interface Session
      the mapper
    • clearCaches

      protected int clearCaches()
      Clears all the caches. Called by RepositoryManagement.
    • getContext

      protected PersistenceContext getContext()
    • generateNewId

      protected Serializable generateNewId(Serializable id)
      Generates a new id, or used a pre-generated one (import).
    • isIdNew

      protected boolean isIdNew(Serializable id)
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Session
    • closeSession

      protected void closeSession()
    • getRepositoryName

      public String getRepositoryName()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the session repository name.
      Specified by:
      getRepositoryName in interface Session
      the repository name
    • getModel

      public Model getModel()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the Model associated to this session.
      Specified by:
      getModel in interface Session
      the model
    • getRootNode

      public Node getRootNode()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the root node of the repository.
      Specified by:
      getRootNode in interface Session
      the root node
    • save

      public void save()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Saves the modifications to persistent storage.

      Modifications will be actually written only upon transaction commit.

      Specified by:
      save in interface Session
    • flush

      protected void flush()
    • scheduleWork

      protected void scheduleWork(List<Work> works)
    • doFlush

      protected void doFlush()
    • getContainingDocument

      protected Serializable getContainingDocument(Serializable id)
    • getFulltextWorks

      protected List<Work> getFulltextWorks()
      Gets the fulltext updates to do. Called at save() time.
      a list of Work instances to schedule post-commit.
    • markIndexingInProgress

      protected void markIndexingInProgress(Set<Serializable> dirtyIds)
      Mark indexing in progress, so that future copies (including versions) will be indexed as well.
    • sendInvalidationsToOthers

      protected void sendInvalidationsToOthers()
      Post-transaction invalidations notification.

      Called post-transaction by session commit/rollback or transactionless save.

    • processReceivedInvalidations

      protected void processReceivedInvalidations()
      Processes all invalidations accumulated.

      Called pre-transaction by start or transactionless save;

    • checkInvalidationsConflict

      protected void checkInvalidationsConflict()
      Post transaction check invalidations processing.
    • getNodeById

      protected Node getNodeById(Serializable id, boolean prefetch)
    • getNodeById

      public Node getNodeById(Serializable id)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets a node given its id.
      Specified by:
      getNodeById in interface Session
      id - the id
      the node, or null if not found
    • getNodesByIds

      public List<Node> getNodesByIds(Collection<Serializable> ids, boolean prefetch)
    • findPrefetchedFragments

      protected void findPrefetchedFragments(SimpleFragment hierFragment, List<RowId> bulkRowIds, Set<Serializable> proxyIds)
      Finds prefetched fragments for a hierarchy fragment, takes note of the ones that are proxies.
    • getNodesByIds

      public List<Node> getNodesByIds(Collection<Serializable> ids)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets several nodes given their ids.
      Specified by:
      getNodesByIds in interface Session
      ids - the ids
      the nodes, in the same order as the ids, with elements being null if not found
    • getParentNode

      public Node getParentNode(Node node)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the parent of a node.

      The root has a null parent.

      Specified by:
      getParentNode in interface Session
      node - the node
      the parent node, or null for the root's parent
    • getPath

      public String getPath(Node node)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the absolute path of a node.
      Specified by:
      getPath in interface Session
      node - the node
      the path
    • normalize

      protected String normalize(String path)
    • getNodeByPath

      public Node getNodeByPath(String path, Node node)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets a node given its absolute path, or given an existing node and a relative path.
      Specified by:
      getNodeByPath in interface Session
      path - the path
      node - the node (ignored for absolute paths)
      the node, or null if not found
    • addMixinType

      public boolean addMixinType(Node node, String mixin)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Adds a mixin to a node.

      Does nothing if the mixin was already present on the node.

      Specified by:
      addMixinType in interface Session
      node - the node
      mixin - the mixin name
      true if the mixin was added, or false if it is already present
    • removeMixinType

      public boolean removeMixinType(Node node, String mixin)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Removes a mixin from a node.

      It's not possible to remove a mixin coming from the primary type.

      Specified by:
      removeMixinType in interface Session
      node - the node
      mixin - the mixin
      true if the mixin was removed, or false if it isn't present or is present on the type or does not exist
    • scroll

      public ScrollResult<String> scroll(String query, int batchSize, int keepAliveSeconds)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Executes the given query and returns the first batch of results containing id of documents, next batch must be requested within the keepAliveSeconds delay.
      Specified by:
      scroll in interface Session
    • scroll

      public ScrollResult<String> scroll(String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, int batchSize, int keepAliveSeconds)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Executes the given query and returns the first batch of results containing id of documents, next batch must be requested within the keepAliveSeconds delay.
      Specified by:
      scroll in interface Session
    • scroll

      public ScrollResult<String> scroll(String scrollId)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Get the next batch of results containing id of documents, the scrollId is part of the previous ScrollResult response.
      Specified by:
      scroll in interface Session
    • getChildrenNames

      protected Set<String> getChildrenNames(String primaryType, List<String> mixins)
      Gets complex children names defined by the primary type and the list of mixins.
    • addChildNode

      public Node addChildNode(Node parent, String name, Long pos, String typeName, boolean complexProp)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Creates a new child node.
      Specified by:
      addChildNode in interface Session
      parent - the parent to which the child is added
      name - the child name
      pos - the child position, or null
      typeName - the child type
      complexProp - whether this is a complex property (true) or a regular child (false)
      the new node
    • addChildNode

      public Node addChildNode(Serializable id, Node parent, String name, Long pos, String typeName, boolean complexProp)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Creates a new child node with given id (used for import).
      Specified by:
      addChildNode in interface Session
      id - the id
      parent - the parent to which the child is added
      name - the child name
      pos - the child position, or null
      typeName - the child type
      complexProp - whether this is a complex property (true) or a regular child (false)
      the new node
    • addNode

      protected Node addNode(Serializable id, Serializable parentId, String name, Long pos, String typeName, boolean complexProp)
    • addProxy

      public Node addProxy(Serializable targetId, Serializable versionableId, Node parent, String name, Long pos)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Creates a proxy for a version node.
      Specified by:
      addProxy in interface Session
      targetId - the target id
      versionableId - the version series id
      parent - the parent to which the proxy is added
      name - the proxy name
      pos - the proxy position
      the new proxy node
    • setProxyTarget

      public void setProxyTarget(Node proxy, Serializable targetId)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Sets a proxies' target.
      Specified by:
      setProxyTarget in interface Session
      proxy - the proxy
      targetId - the new target id
    • hasChildNode

      public boolean hasChildNode(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Checks if a child node with the given name exists.

      There are two kinds of children, the regular children documents and the complex properties. The boolean complexProp allows a choice between those.

      Specified by:
      hasChildNode in interface Session
      parent - the parent node
      name - the child name
      complexProp - whether to check complex properties or regular children
      true if a child node with that name exists
    • getChildNode

      public Node getChildNode(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets a child node given its parent and name.
      Specified by:
      getChildNode in interface Session
      parent - the parent node
      name - the child name
      complexProp - whether to check complex properties or regular children
      the child node, or null is not found
    • hasChildren

      public boolean hasChildren(Node parent, boolean complexProp)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Checks it a node has children.
      Specified by:
      hasChildren in interface Session
      parent - the parent node
      complexProp - whether to check complex properties or regular children
      true if the parent has children
    • getChildren

      public List<Node> getChildren(Node parent, String name, boolean complexProp)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the children of a node.
      Specified by:
      getChildren in interface Session
      parent - the parent node
      name - the children name to get (for lists of complex properties), or null for all
      complexProp - whether to check complex properties or regular children
      the collection of children
    • orderBefore

      public void orderBefore(Node parent, Node source, Node dest)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Order the given source child node before the destination child node. The source node will be placed before the destination one. If destination is null, the source node will be appended at the end of the children list.
      Specified by:
      orderBefore in interface Session
      parent - the parent node
      source - the child node to move
      dest - the child node before which to place the source node, or null to move at the end
    • move

      public Node move(Node source, Node parent, String name)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Moves a node to a new location with a new name.

      A is automatically done first.

      Specified by:
      move in interface Session
      source - the node to move
      parent - the new parent to which the node is moved
      name - the new node name
      the moved node
    • copy

      public Node copy(Node source, Node parent, String name, Consumer<Node> afterRecordCopy)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Copies a node to a new location with a new name.

      A is automatically done first.

      Specified by:
      copy in interface Session
      source - the node to copy
      parent - the new parent to which the node is copied
      name - the new node name
      afterRecordCopy - a consumer called on nodes that were records before copy
      the copied node
    • removeNode

      public void removeNode(Node node, Consumer<Node> beforeRemove)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Removes a node from the storage.

      This is much more complex than removing a property node (Session.removePropertyNode(

      Specified by:
      removeNode in interface Session
      node - the node to remove
      beforeRemove - a consumer called on nodes of records before they are removed
      See Also:
    • removePropertyNode

      public void removePropertyNode(Node node)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Removes a property node from the storage.

      This is much less complex that removing a generic document node ( Session.removeNode(

      Specified by:
      removePropertyNode in interface Session
      node - the property node to remove
      See Also:
    • checkIn

      public Node checkIn(Node node, String label, String checkinComment)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Checks in a checked-out node: creates a new version with a copy of its information.

      A is automatically done first.

      Specified by:
      checkIn in interface Session
      node - the node to check in
      label - the label for the version
      checkinComment - the description for the version
      the created version
    • checkOut

      public void checkOut(Node node)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Checks out a checked-in node.
      Specified by:
      checkOut in interface Session
      node - the node to check out
    • restore

      public void restore(Node node, Node version)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Restores a node to a given version.

      The restored node is checked in.

      Specified by:
      restore in interface Session
      node - the node to restore
      version - the version to restore from
    • getVersionByLabel

      public Node getVersionByLabel(Serializable versionSeriesId, String label)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets a version given its version series id and label.
      Specified by:
      getVersionByLabel in interface Session
      versionSeriesId - the version series id
      label - the label
      the version node, or null if not found
    • getLastVersion

      public Node getLastVersion(Serializable versionSeriesId)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the last version for a given version series id.

      A is automatically done first.

      Specified by:
      getLastVersion in interface Session
      versionSeriesId - the version series id
      the last version, or null if no versions exist
    • getVersions

      public List<Node> getVersions(Serializable versionSeriesId)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets all the versions for a given version series id.

      A is automatically done first.

      Specified by:
      getVersions in interface Session
      versionSeriesId - the version series id
      the list of versions
    • getProxies

      public List<Node> getProxies(Node document, Node parent)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Finds the proxies for a document. If the parent is not null, the search will be limited to its direct children.

      If the document is a version, then only proxies to that version will be looked up.

      Otherwise all proxies to the same version series than the document are retrieved.

      A is automatically done first.

      Specified by:
      getProxies in interface Session
      document - the document
      parent - the parent, or null
      the list of proxies
    • getNodes

      protected List<Node> getNodes(List<Serializable> ids)
    • getProxies

      public List<Node> getProxies(Node document)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Finds the proxies for a document. (The document may be a version or a live document)
      Specified by:
      getProxies in interface Session
      document - the document
      the list of proxies, or an empty list
    • getHierarchyAndAncestors

      protected List<Fragment> getHierarchyAndAncestors(Collection<Serializable> ids)
      Fetches the hierarchy fragment for the given rows and all their ancestors.
      ids - the fragment ids
    • query

      public PartialList<Serializable> query(String query, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean countTotal)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Makes a NXQL query to the database.
      Specified by:
      query in interface Session
      query - the query
      queryFilter - the query filter
      countTotal - if true, also count the total size without offset/limit
      the resulting list with total size included
    • query

      public PartialList<Serializable> query(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, long countUpTo)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Makes a query to the database.
      Specified by:
      query in interface Session
      query - the query
      queryType - the query type
      queryFilter - the query filter
      countUpTo - if -1, also count the total size without offset/limit.
      If 0, don't count the total size.
      If n, count the total number if there are less than n documents otherwise set the size to -1.
      the resulting list with total size included
    • noteQueryResult

      protected void noteQueryResult(IterableQueryResult result)
    • closeQueryResults

      protected void closeQueryResults()
    • queryAndFetch

      public IterableQueryResult queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, Object... params)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Makes a query to the database and returns an iterable (which must be closed when done).
      Specified by:
      queryAndFetch in interface Session
      query - the query
      queryType - the query type
      queryFilter - the query filter
      params - optional query-type-dependent parameters
      an iterable, which must be closed when done
    • queryAndFetch

      public IterableQueryResult queryAndFetch(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean distinctDocuments, Object... params)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Makes a query to the database and returns an iterable (which must be closed when done).
      Specified by:
      queryAndFetch in interface Session
      query - the query
      queryType - the query type
      queryFilter - the query filter
      distinctDocuments - if true then a maximum of one row per document will be returned
      params - optional query-type-dependent parameters
      an iterable, which must be closed when done
    • queryProjection

      public PartialList<Map<String,Serializable>> queryProjection(String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, boolean distinctDocuments, long countUpTo, Object... params)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Makes a query to the database.
      Specified by:
      queryProjection in interface Session
      query - the query
      queryType - the query type
      queryFilter - the query filter
      distinctDocuments - if true then a maximum of one row per document will be returned
      countUpTo - if -1, also count the total size without offset/limit.
      If 0, don't count the total size.
      If n, count the total number if there are less than n documents otherwise set the size to -1.
      params - optional query-type-dependent parameters
      a projection
    • getLockManager

      public LockManager getLockManager()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the lock manager for this session.
      Specified by:
      getLockManager in interface Session
      the lock manager
    • requireReadAclsUpdate

      public void requireReadAclsUpdate()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Read ACLs are optimized ACLs for the read permission, they need to be updated after document creation or ACL change.

      This method flag the current session, the read ACLs update will be done automatically at save time.

      Specified by:
      requireReadAclsUpdate in interface Session
    • updateReadAcls

      public void updateReadAcls()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Update only the read ACLs that have changed.
      Specified by:
      updateReadAcls in interface Session
    • rebuildReadAcls

      public void rebuildReadAcls()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Rebuild the read ACLs for the whole repository.
      Specified by:
      rebuildReadAcls in interface Session
    • markReferencedBlobs

      public void markReferencedBlobs(BiConsumer<String,String> markerCallback)
    • cleanupDeletedDocuments

      public int cleanupDeletedDocuments(int max, Calendar beforeTime)
    • start

      public void start()
    • end

      public void end()
    • commit

      public void commit()
    • rollback

      public void rollback()
    • getCacheSize

      public long getCacheSize()
    • getCacheMapperSize

      public long getCacheMapperSize()
    • getCachePristineSize

      public long getCachePristineSize()
    • getCacheSelectionSize

      public long getCacheSelectionSize()
    • isFulltextStoredInBlob

      public boolean isFulltextStoredInBlob()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Checks if fulltext extracted from the binary fields is internally stored as a blob.
      Specified by:
      isFulltextStoredInBlob in interface Session
      true if fulltext from binaries is store as a blob
    • getBinaryFulltext

      public Map<String,String> getBinaryFulltext(Serializable id, Document doc)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Gets the fulltext extracted from the binary fields.
      Specified by:
      getBinaryFulltext in interface Session
    • isChangeTokenEnabled

      public boolean isChangeTokenEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Checks if change token management is enabled.
      Specified by:
      isChangeTokenEnabled in interface Session
    • markUserChange

      public void markUserChange(Serializable id)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Marks the document as being modified by a user change.

      This causes an additional change token increment and check during save.

      Specified by:
      markUserChange in interface Session
      id - the document id