Class TrashInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TrashInfo extends Object implements Serializable
Info about the deletion/purge/undeletion of a list of document.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • docs

      public List<DocumentModel> docs
      Docs found ok.
    • rootRefs

      public List<DocumentRef> rootRefs
      Refs of common tree roots of docs found ok.
    • rootPaths

      public Set<Path> rootPaths
      Paths of common tree roots of docs found ok.
    • rootParentRefs

      public Set<DocumentRef> rootParentRefs
      Refs of parents of common tree roots of docs found ok.
    • forbidden

      public int forbidden
      Number of docs not ok due to permissions or lifecycle state.
    • locked

      public int locked
      Number of docs not ok due to lock status.
    • proxies

      public int proxies
      Number of docs not ok due to being proxies.
  • Constructor Details

    • TrashInfo

      public TrashInfo()