Interface UIDGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UIDGenerator
Common interface for UID generators. All UID generators must implement this interface.
Dragos Mihalache
  • Method Details

    • setPropertyName

      void setPropertyName(String propertyName)
      Sets the property name used to set the identifier value.

      The property must be a string like 'schemaPrefix:fieldName' ; the syntax 'schemaName:fieldName' is also accepted. Could be used as a convenient method when there is only one property to set.

      See Also:
    • getPropertyName

      String getPropertyName()
      Get the property name used to set the identifier value.
      See Also:
    • setPropertyNames

      void setPropertyNames(String[] propertyNames)
      Set the properties used to set the identifier value.
    • getPropertyNames

      String[] getPropertyNames()
      Gets the property name used to set the identifier value
    • setSequencer

      void setSequencer(UIDSequencer sequencer)
      The sequencer used to generate unique numbers sequencially.
    • getSequenceKey

      String getSequenceKey(DocumentModel document)
    • createUID

      String createUID(DocumentModel document)
      Returns a new UID for the given doc.
    • setUID

      void setUID(DocumentModel document) throws PropertyNotFoundException
      Creates a new UID for the given doc and sets the field configured in the generator component with this value.