Class DirectoryCache


public class DirectoryCache extends Object
Very simple cache system to cache directory entry lookups (not search queries) on top of nuxeo cache

Beware that this cache is not transaction aware (which is not a problem for LDAP directories anyway).

  • Field Details

    • name

      protected final String name
    • entryCache

      protected Cache entryCache
    • entryCacheName

      protected String entryCacheName
    • entryCacheWithoutReferences

      protected Cache entryCacheWithoutReferences
    • entryCacheWithoutReferencesName

      protected String entryCacheWithoutReferencesName
    • negativeCaching

      protected boolean negativeCaching
    • registry

      protected final io.dropwizard.metrics5.MetricRegistry registry
    • hitsCounter

      protected final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter hitsCounter
    • negativeHitsCounter

      protected final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter negativeHitsCounter
    • missesCounter

      protected final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter missesCounter
    • invalidationsCounter

      protected final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter invalidationsCounter
    • sizeCounter

      protected final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter sizeCounter
  • Constructor Details

    • DirectoryCache

      protected DirectoryCache(String name)
  • Method Details

    • isCacheEnabled

      protected boolean isCacheEnabled()
    • getEntry

      public DocumentModel getEntry(String entryId, EntrySource source)
    • getEntry

      public DocumentModel getEntry(String entryId, EntrySource source, boolean fetchReferences)
    • invalidate

      public void invalidate(List<String> entryIds)
    • invalidate

      public void invalidate(String... entryIds)
    • invalidateAll

      public void invalidateAll()
    • setEntryCacheName

      public void setEntryCacheName(String entryCacheName)
    • setEntryCacheWithoutReferencesName

      public void setEntryCacheWithoutReferencesName(String entryCacheWithoutReferencesName)
    • setNegativeCaching

      public void setNegativeCaching(Boolean negativeCaching)
    • getEntryCache

      public Cache getEntryCache()
    • getEntryCacheWithoutReferences

      public Cache getEntryCacheWithoutReferences()
    • getCacheService

      protected CacheService getCacheService()