Class MemoryDirectorySession

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, EntrySource, Session

public class MemoryDirectorySession extends BaseSession
Trivial in-memory implementation of a Directory to use in unit tests.
Florent Guillaume
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MemoryDirectorySession

      public MemoryDirectorySession(MemoryDirectory directory)
  • Method Details

    • getDirectory

      public MemoryDirectory getDirectory()
      To be implemented with a more specific type.
      Specified by:
      getDirectory in class BaseSession
    • authenticate

      public boolean authenticate(String username, String password)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Checks that the credentials provided by the UserManager match those registered in the directory. If username is not in the directory, this should return false instead of throrwing an exception.
      true is the credentials match those stored in the directory
    • close

      public void close()
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Closes the session and all open result sets obtained from this session.

      Releases this Connection object's resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released.

      TODO: should this operation auto-commit pending changes?

    • checkClose

      protected void checkClose()
    • commit

      public void commit()
    • rollback

      public void rollback()
    • createEntryWithoutReferences

      public DocumentModel createEntryWithoutReferences(Map<String,Object> fieldMap)
      Description copied from class: BaseSession
      To be implemented for specific creation.
      Specified by:
      createEntryWithoutReferences in class BaseSession
    • updateEntryWithoutReferences

      protected List<String> updateEntryWithoutReferences(DocumentModel docModel)
      Description copied from class: BaseSession
      To be implemented for specific update.
      Specified by:
      updateEntryWithoutReferences in class BaseSession
    • deleteEntryWithoutReferences

      protected void deleteEntryWithoutReferences(String id)
      Description copied from class: BaseSession
      To be implemented for specific deletion.
      Specified by:
      deleteEntryWithoutReferences in class BaseSession
    • createEntry

      public DocumentModel createEntry(Map<String,Object> fieldMap)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Creates an entry in a directory.
      Specified by:
      createEntry in interface Session
      createEntry in class BaseSession
      fieldMap - A map with keys and values that should be stored in a directory

      Note: The values in the map should be of type String

      The new entry created in the directory
    • updateEntry

      public void updateEntry(DocumentModel docModel)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Updates a directory entry.
      Specified by:
      updateEntry in interface Session
      updateEntry in class BaseSession
      docModel - The entry to update
    • deleteEntry

      public void deleteEntry(String id)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Deletes a directory entry by id.
      Specified by:
      deleteEntry in interface Session
      deleteEntry in class BaseSession
      id - the id of the entry to delete
    • getEntry

      public DocumentModel getEntry(String id, boolean fetchReferences)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Retrieves a directory entry using its id.
      Specified by:
      getEntry in interface Session
      getEntry in class BaseSession
      id - the entry id
      fetchReferences - boolean stating if references have to be fetched
      a DocumentModel representing the entry
    • deleteEntry

      public void deleteEntry(DocumentModel docModel)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Deletes a directory entry.
      Specified by:
      deleteEntry in interface Session
      deleteEntry in class BaseSession
      docModel - The entry to delete
    • query

      public DocumentModelList query(Map<String,Serializable> filter, Set<String> fulltext, Map<String,String> orderBy, boolean fetchReferences, int limit, int offset)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Executes a query with the possibility to fetch a subset of the results. provides a default implementation fetching all results to return the subset. Not recommended.
      limit - maximum number of results ignored if less than 1
      offset - number of rows skipped before starting, will be 0 if less than 0.
      See Also:
    • query

      public DocumentModelList query(QueryBuilder queryBuilder, boolean fetchReferences)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Executes a query with the possibility to fetch a subset of the results.
      queryBuilder - the query to use, including limit, offset, ordering and countTotal
      fetchReferences - boolean stating if references have to be fetched
      the list of documents, where the total size may be present if countTotal was true
    • queryIds

      public List<String> queryIds(QueryBuilder queryBuilder)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Executes a query with the possibility to fetch a subset of the results. Returns the matching ids.
      queryBuilder - the query to use, including limit, offset and ordering
      the list of document ids
    • createEntry

      public DocumentModel createEntry(DocumentModel entry)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Creates an entry in a directory.
      Specified by:
      createEntry in interface Session
      createEntry in class BaseSession
      entry - the document model representing the entry to create
      The new entry created in the directory
    • hasEntry

      public boolean hasEntry(String id)
      Description copied from interface: Session
      Returns true if session has an entry with given id.