Interface BatchUpdateBlobProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLiveConnectBlobProvider, BoxBlobProvider, GoogleDriveBlobProvider

public interface BatchUpdateBlobProvider
Interface to batch update documents provided by implementing provider. The method processDocumentsUpdate() is called by BlobProviderDocumentsUpdateListener.

The implementation of processDocumentsUpdate() must schedule a BlobProviderDocumentsUpdateWork with the document ids to be checked and updated if needed.

The @{link BlobProviderDocumentsUpdateWork} will then call the implementation of checkChangesAndUpdateBlob(List).

Note that it is recommended to schedule many workers dealing with a smaller amount of documents (using MAX_RESULT) rather than a single one processing all document brought by the provider.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • checkChangesAndUpdateBlob

      List<DocumentModel> checkChangesAndUpdateBlob(List<DocumentModel> documents)
      Check the given list of document for change and update if needed. Note that still needs to be called on changed documents.
      documents - to be checked for update
      the list of DocumentModel that have changed
    • processDocumentsUpdate

      void processDocumentsUpdate()
      Trigger the documents update for the implementing providers.