Interface ActionContext

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractActionContext, ELActionContext

public interface ActionContext extends Serializable
Interface for action context evaluation
  • Method Details

    • setCurrentDocument

      void setCurrentDocument(DocumentModel doc)
      Sets the current document to use for filter evaluation
    • getCurrentDocument

      DocumentModel getCurrentDocument()
      Returns the current document to use for filter evaluation
    • setDocumentManager

      void setDocumentManager(CoreSession docMgr)
      Sets the core session to use for filter evaluation
    • getDocumentManager

      CoreSession getDocumentManager()
      Returns the core session to use for filter evaluation
    • setCurrentPrincipal

      void setCurrentPrincipal(NuxeoPrincipal currentPrincipal)
      Sets the current principal to use for filter evaluation
    • getCurrentPrincipal

      NuxeoPrincipal getCurrentPrincipal()
      Returns the current principal to use for filter evaluation
    • putLocalVariable

      Object putLocalVariable(String key, Object value)
      Sets a local variable, to put in the context so that expressions can reference it.
    • putAllLocalVariables

      void putAllLocalVariables(Map<String,Object> vars)
      Sets local variables, to put in the context so that expressions can reference them.
    • getLocalVariable

      Object getLocalVariable(String key)
      Returns a local variable put in the context
    • size

      int size()
      Returns the number of local variables
    • checkCondition

      boolean checkCondition(String expression) throws javax.el.ELException
      Returns true if given expression resolves to true in this context.

      Returns false if expression is blank (null or empty).

    • evalExpression

      <T> T evalExpression(String expression, Class<T> expectedType) throws javax.el.ELException
      Evaluates the given expression and returns the result cast to the given expectedType.
      the result of the expression evaluation
    • disableGlobalCaching

      boolean disableGlobalCaching()
      Returns true if expressions evaluation should not be cached globally