Interface AuditReader

All Known Subinterfaces:
AuditBackend, Logs, LogsRemote
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAuditBackend, DefaultAuditBackend, ESAuditBackend, MongoDBAuditBackend

public interface AuditReader
Interface for reading data from the Audit service.
  • Method Details

    • getLogEntriesFor

      default List<LogEntry> getLogEntriesFor(String uuid, String repositoryId)
      Returns the logs given a doc uuid and a repository id.
      uuid - the document uuid
      repositoryId - the repository id
      a list of log entries
    • getLogEntryByID

      LogEntry getLogEntryByID(long id)
      Returns a given log entry given its id.
      id - the log entry identifier
      a LogEntry instance
    • queryLogs

      List<LogEntry> queryLogs(QueryBuilder builder)
      Returns the logs given a collection of predicates and a default sort.
      builder - the query builder to fetch log entries
      a list of log entries
    • queryLogs

      default List<LogEntry> queryLogs(String[] eventIds, String dateRange)
      Returns the list of log entries.

      Note we will use NXQL in the future when the search engine will index history.

      eventIds - the event ids.
      dateRange - a preset date range.
      a list of log entries.
      See Also:
    • queryLogsByPage

      default List<LogEntry> queryLogsByPage(String[] eventIds, String dateRange, String category, String path, int pageNb, int pageSize)
      Returns the batched list of log entries.

      Note we will use NXQL in the future when the search engine will index history.

      eventIds - the event ids.
      dateRange - a preset date range.
      category - add filter on events category
      path - add filter on document path
      pageNb - page number (ignore if <=1)
      pageSize - number of results per page
      a list of log entries.
      See Also:
    • queryLogsByPage

      default List<LogEntry> queryLogsByPage(String[] eventIds, String dateRange, String[] categories, String path, int pageNb, int pageSize)
    • queryLogsByPage

      default List<LogEntry> queryLogsByPage(String[] eventIds, Date limit, String category, String path, int pageNb, int pageSize)
      Returns the batched list of log entries.

      Note we will use NXQL in the future when the search engine will index history.

      eventIds - the event ids.
      limit - filter events by date from limit to now
      category - add filter on events category
      path - add filter on document path
      pageNb - page number (ignore if <=1)
      pageSize - number of results per page
      a list of log entries.
      See Also:
    • queryLogsByPage

      List<LogEntry> queryLogsByPage(String[] eventIds, Date limit, String[] categories, String path, int pageNb, int pageSize)
    • nativeQueryLogs

      default List<LogEntry> nativeQueryLogs(String whereClause, int pageNb, int pageSize)
      Returns a batched list of log entries. WhereClause is a native where clause for the backend: here EJBQL 3.0 must be used if implementation of audit backend is JPA (< 7.3 or audit.elasticsearch.enabled=false) and JSON if implementation is Elasticsearch.
    • nativeQuery

      default List<?> nativeQuery(String query, int pageNb, int pageSize)
      Returns a batched list of entries. query string is a native query clause for the backend : here EJBQL 3.0 must be used if implementation of audit backend is JPA (< 7.3 or audit.elasticsearch.enabled=false) and JSON if implementation is Elasticsearch.
    • nativeQuery

      List<?> nativeQuery(String query, Map<String,Object> params, int pageNb, int pageSize)
      Returns a batched list of entries.
      query - a JPA query language query if implementation of audit backend is JPA (< 7.3 or audit.elasticsearch.enabled=false) and JSON if implementation is Elasticsearch
      params - parameters for the query
      pageNb - the page number (starts at 1)
      pageSize - the number of results per page
    • getLatestLogId

      long getLatestLogId(String repositoryId, String... eventIds)
      Returns the latest log id matching events and repository or 0 when no match found.
    • getLogEntriesAfter

      List<LogEntry> getLogEntriesAfter(long logIdOffset, int limit, String repositoryId, String... eventIds)
      Returns up to limit log entries matching events and repository with log id greater or equal to logIdOffset.