Interface CommentsModerationService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CommentsModerationService
  • Method Details

    • startModeration

      void startModeration(CoreSession session, DocumentModel document, String commentId, ArrayList<String> moderators)
      Starts the moderation process on given Comment posted on a documentModel.
      session - the coreSession
      document - the document were the comment is posted
      commentId - the commentId
    • approveComent

      void approveComent(CoreSession session, DocumentModel document, String commentId)
      Approve the comment with the given commentId.
      session - the coreSession
      document - the document were the comment is posted
      commentId - the commentId
    • rejectComment

      void rejectComment(CoreSession session, DocumentModel document, String commentId)
      Reject the comment with the given commentId.
      session - the coreSession
      document - the document were the comment is posted
      commentId - the commentId
    • publishComment

      void publishComment(CoreSession session, DocumentModel comment)
      Publish the given comment.
      session - the coreSession
      comment - the comment to publish