Interface LayoutTypeConfiguration

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public interface LayoutTypeConfiguration extends Serializable
  • Method Details

    • getSinceVersion

      String getSinceVersion()
      Returns the version name since the widget type has been available (5.4, 5.4.2, etc...)
    • getDeprecatedVersion

      String getDeprecatedVersion()
      Returns the version name since the widget type has been deprecated (5.4, 5.4.2, etc...)
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
    • getDemoId

      String getDemoId()
      Returns the identifier to be used for the demo, or null if no demo is available.
    • isDemoPreviewEnabled

      boolean isDemoPreviewEnabled()
      Returns true is the preview is enabled on the demo.
    • getCategories

      List<String> getCategories()
    • getSupportedModes

      List<String> getSupportedModes()
    • isHandlingLabels

      boolean isHandlingLabels()
      Returns true if widget knows how to display its label (some widget types might delegate this to their containing widget or layout, usually when defining form layouts).
    • isContainingForm

      boolean isContainingForm()
      Returns true if widget will be containing forms.

      Since forms cannot contains any sub forms, layouts using this widget should not be surrounded by any form. Other widgets in the same layouts not containing forms may then need a surrounding form that could be added by the layout template.

    • getPropertyLayouts

      List<LayoutDefinition> getPropertyLayouts(String mode, String additionalMode)
    • getPropertyLayouts

      Map<String,List<LayoutDefinition>> getPropertyLayouts()
    • getDefaultPropertyValues

      Map<String,Map<String,Serializable>> getDefaultPropertyValues()
      Returns the default values for the layout type properties, by mode.
    • getDefaultPropertyValues

      Map<String,Serializable> getDefaultPropertyValues(String mode)
      Returns the default values for the layout type properties, for given mode.
    • getSupportedControls

      List<String> getSupportedControls()
      Returns the list of supported controls, e.g. controls that are checked on sub-widgets definitions.