Class WidgetTypeResource


public class WidgetTypeResource extends Object
Exports and presents documentation about widget type definitions
Anahide Tchertchian
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • WidgetTypeResource

      public WidgetTypeResource(String category)
  • Method Details

    • getWidgetTypesByCategory

      protected Map<String,List<WidgetTypeDefinition>> getWidgetTypesByCategory()
    • getWidgetTypeDefinitions

      public Object getWidgetTypeDefinitions(@Context javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String categories, String version, Boolean all)
      Returns widget types definitions for given categories

      If the category is null, the filter does not check the category. Widget types without a configuration are included if boolean 'all' is set to true. Mutliple categories are extracted from the query parameter by splitting on the space character.

      If not null, the version parameter will exclude all widget types that did not exist before this version.

    • isStriclyBeforeVersion

      protected boolean isStriclyBeforeVersion(String ref, String version)
    • getWidgetTypeDefinitionsForCategory

      public Object getWidgetTypeDefinitionsForCategory(@Context javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String category, String version, Boolean all)
      Returns widget types definitions for given category.

      If the category is null, the filter does not check the category. Widget types without a configuration are included if boolean 'all' is set to true.

      If not null, the version parameter will exclude all widget types that did not exist before this version.

    • getWidgetTypeDefinition

      public Object getWidgetTypeDefinition(@Context javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String name)
    • getTemplate

      public TemplateView getTemplate(@Context uriInfo)
    • getWikiDocumentation

      public Object getWikiDocumentation(@Context uriInfo)
    • getNuxeoVersions

      protected List<String> getNuxeoVersions()
    • getStudioCategories

      protected List<String> getStudioCategories()
    • getTemplate

      protected TemplateView getTemplate(String name, uriInfo)
    • doGet

      public Object doGet(String widgetTypeName, @Context uriInfo)
    • getWidgetTypeLabel

      public String getWidgetTypeLabel(WidgetTypeDefinition wTypeDef)
    • getWidgetTypeDescription

      public String getWidgetTypeDescription(WidgetTypeDefinition wTypeDef)
    • getWidgetTypeCategories

      public List<String> getWidgetTypeCategories(WidgetTypeDefinition wTypeDef)
    • getWidgetTypeCategoriesAsString

      public String getWidgetTypeCategoriesAsString(WidgetTypeDefinition wTypeDef)