Interface OAuthConsumerRegistry

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OAuthConsumerRegistry
Service interface for managing OAuth Service Consumers
  • Method Details

    • getConsumer

      NuxeoOAuthConsumer getConsumer(String consumerKey)
      Get a Consumer from its consumerKey.
    • getConsumer

      NuxeoOAuthConsumer getConsumer(String consumerKey, String keyType)
      Get a Consumer from its consumerKey.

      The keyType param indicates if we need HMAC or RSA secret. This is needed because the default OAuthValidator implementation only uses 1 field for both Keys. If keyType is OAUth.RSA_SHA1, the consumerSecret field will be polupated with the RSA public key rather than the HMAC secret.

    • deleteConsumer

      void deleteConsumer(String consumerKey)
      remove a Consumer
    • listConsumers

      List<NuxeoOAuthConsumer> listConsumers()
      List all registered Consumers
    • storeConsumer

      NuxeoOAuthConsumer storeConsumer(NuxeoOAuthConsumer consumer)
      Store a new Consumer