Interface OAuthServerKeyManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OAuthServerKeyManager
Service to manage the key and shared secret used by Nuxeo server :
  • private/public key pair used by Nuxeo to use Signed request with RSA
  • shared key between Nuxeo and Shindig to manage Signed Fetch
  • Method Details

    • getPublicKeyCertificate

      String getPublicKeyCertificate()
      Returns the Public Key certificate used by Nuxeo server to do RSA Signing.
    • getBarePublicCertificate

      String getBarePublicCertificate()
      Returns the Public Key certificate used by Nuxeo server to do RSA Signing. (Removes OpenSSL decorators).
    • getPrivateKey

      String getPrivateKey()
      Returns the Private Key used by Nuxeo server to do RSA Signing.
    • getBarePrivateKey

      String getBarePrivateKey()
      Returns the Private Key used by Nuxeo server to do RSA Signing. (Removes OpenSSL decorators).
    • getKeyName

      String getKeyName()
      Returns key name (not really used).
    • getInternalKey

      String getInternalKey()
      Returns the consumerKey used in Shindig => Nuxeo sign fetch.
    • getInternalSecret

      String getInternalSecret()
      Returns the consumerSecret (HMAC) used in Shindig => Nuxeo sign fetch.
    • getInternalConsumer

      NuxeoOAuthConsumer getInternalConsumer()
      Returns the NuxeoOAuthConsumer representing local (embedded) Shindig instance.