Interface OAuthServiceProviderRegistry

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OAuthServiceProviderRegistry
This service is used to manage OAuth Service Providers: ie REST Services that can be used by Nuxeo via OAuth.

Typically, this service is used by Shindig to determine what what shared secret should be used by gadgets to fetch their data.

  • Method Details

    • getProvider

      NuxeoOAuthServiceProvider getProvider(String gadgetUri, String serviceName)
      Select the best provider given.
      gadgetUri - the gadget url (or AppId)
      serviceName - the service name as defined in MakeRequest
    • addReadOnlyProvider

      NuxeoOAuthServiceProvider addReadOnlyProvider(String gadgetUri, String serviceName, String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, String publicKey)
      This method is here for compatibility reasons. Providers that are directly contributed to the OpenSocialService are forwarded to the new centralized service.
    • deleteProvider

      void deleteProvider(String gadgetUri, String serviceName)
      Deletes a provider.
    • deleteProvider

      void deleteProvider(String providerId)
      Deletes a provider.
    • listProviders

      Return the list of all know providers (both readonly and editable ones).