Class PDFMergeDocumentsOperation


public class PDFMergeDocumentsOperation extends Object
The input document(s) always is(are) the first PDF(s), and each pdf is read in the xpath field. If xpath is not set, it is set to the default value file:content.

The operation appends:

  • First, The blob referenced in the toAppendVarName Context variable.
  • Then, it appends all the blobs stored in the toAppendListVarName Context variable.
  • And last, it appends the blobs stored in the docs whose IDs are passed in toAppendDocIDsVarName, using the xpath parameter.

All variable names are optional: You can pass only toAppendVarName, or toAppendVarName and toAppendDocIDsVarName, or ...

Returns the final PDF.
