Interface PublicationTree

All Superinterfaces:
PublicationNode, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBasePublicationTree, RenditionPublicationCoreTree, RootSectionsPublicationTree, SectionPublicationTree

public interface PublicationTree extends PublicationNode
Interface for the publication tree. A Publication Tree is a generic view on a set of PublicationNode.
  • Method Details

    • getNodeByPath

      PublicationNode getNodeByPath(String path)
    • publish

      PublishedDocument publish(DocumentModel doc, PublicationNode targetNode)
    • publish

      PublishedDocument publish(DocumentModel doc, PublicationNode targetNode, Map<String,String> params)
    • unpublish

      void unpublish(DocumentModel doc, PublicationNode targetNode)
    • unpublish

      void unpublish(PublishedDocument publishedDocument)
    • getExistingPublishedDocument

      List<PublishedDocument> getExistingPublishedDocument(DocumentLocation docLoc)
    • getPublishedDocumentInNode

      List<PublishedDocument> getPublishedDocumentInNode(PublicationNode node)
    • getConfigName

      String getConfigName()
    • getTreeType

      String getTreeType()
    • getTreeTitle

      String getTreeTitle()
    • initTree

      void initTree(CoreSession coreSession, Map<String,String> parameters, PublishedDocumentFactory factory, String configName, String title)
    • setCurrentDocument

      void setCurrentDocument(DocumentModel currentDocument)
      Sets the current document on which the tree will be based, if needed.

      Can be useful for some implementations that need to know on which document the user is.

      currentDocument - the current document
    • release

      void release()
    • getIconExpanded

      String getIconExpanded()
    • getIconCollapsed

      String getIconCollapsed()
    • validatorPublishDocument

      void validatorPublishDocument(PublishedDocument publishedDocument, String comment)
      A validator (the current user) approves the publication.
      publishedDocument - the current published document that will be approved
    • validatorRejectPublication

      void validatorRejectPublication(PublishedDocument publishedDocument, String comment)
      A validator (the current user) rejects the publication.
      publishedDocument - the currently published document that will be rejected
    • canPublishTo

      boolean canPublishTo(PublicationNode publicationNode)
      Returns true if the current user can publish to the specified publicationNode, false otherwise.
      true if the current user can publish to the specified publicationNode, false otherwise.
    • canUnpublish

      boolean canUnpublish(PublishedDocument publishedDocument)
      Returns true if the current user can unpublish the given publishedDocument, false otherwise.
      true if the current user can unpublish the given publishedDocument, false otherwise.
    • hasValidationTask

      boolean hasValidationTask(PublishedDocument publishedDocument)
    • canManagePublishing

      boolean canManagePublishing(PublishedDocument publishedDocument)
      Returns true if the current user can manage the publishing of the given publishedDocument, ie approve or reject the document.
    • wrapToPublishedDocument

      PublishedDocument wrapToPublishedDocument(DocumentModel documentModel)
    • isPublicationNode

      boolean isPublicationNode(DocumentModel documentModel)
      Returns true if the given documentModel is a PublicationNode of the current tree, false otherwise.
    • wrapToPublicationNode

      PublicationNode wrapToPublicationNode(DocumentModel documentModel)
      Returns a PublicationNode for the current tree built on the given documentModel.