Interface RootSectionFinder

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRootSectionsFinder, DefaultRootSectionsFinder

public interface RootSectionFinder
  • Method Details

    • reset

      void reset()
    • getSectionRootsForWorkspace

      DocumentModelList getSectionRootsForWorkspace(DocumentModel currentDoc, boolean addDefaultSectionRoots)
      Returns the head (root) sections that are bound to a given Workspace.

      If no specific binding is defined at the workspace level, an empty list is returned.

      currentDoc - the target Workspace
      addDefaultSectionRoots - flag to indicate is default roots should be added
    • getSectionRootsForWorkspace

      DocumentModelList getSectionRootsForWorkspace(DocumentModel currentDoc)
      Returns the head (root) sections that are bound to a given Workspace.

      If no specific binding is defined at the workspace level, an empty list is returned.

      currentDoc - the target Workspace
    • getAccessibleSectionRoots

      DocumentModelList getAccessibleSectionRoots(DocumentModel currentDoc)
    • getDefaultSectionRoots

      DocumentModelList getDefaultSectionRoots(boolean onlyHeads, boolean addDefaultSectionRoots)
    • getDefaultSectionRoots

      DocumentModelList getDefaultSectionRoots(boolean onlyHeads)