Class DefaultValidatorsRule

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ValidatorsRule

public class DefaultValidatorsRule extends Object implements ValidatorsRule
Default NXP validator.

Validators here will be principals having manage everything rights in the sections where the document has been published.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultValidatorsRule

      public DefaultValidatorsRule()
  • Method Details

    • computesValidatorsFor

      public String[] computesValidatorsFor(DocumentModel doc)
      Description copied from interface: ValidatorsRule
      Computes the list of publishing validators given the document model of the document just published.
      Specified by:
      computesValidatorsFor in interface ValidatorsRule
      doc - a Nuxeo Core document model. (the document that just has been published)
      a list of principal names.