Interface DocumentRelationManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DocumentRelationManager
Create relations between documents
  • Method Details

    • addRelation

      void addRelation(CoreSession session, DocumentModel from, DocumentModel to, String predicate, boolean inverse)
      Add link between two document
      from - the document to link from
      to - the document to link to
      predicate - is the type of link
      inverse - if to is related to from ( the event will still be generated with from document )
      RelationAlreadyExistsException - if given relation already exists
    • addRelation

      void addRelation(CoreSession session, DocumentModel from, Node to, String predicate, boolean inverse)
      Add link between two document
      from - the document to link from
      to - the node to link to
      predicate - is the type of link
      inverse - if to is related to from ( the event will still be generated with from document )
      RelationAlreadyExistsException - if given relation already exists
    • addRelation

      void addRelation(CoreSession session, DocumentModel from, Node to, String predicate)
      Add link between two document
      from - the document to link from
      to - the node to link to
      predicate - is the type of link
      RelationAlreadyExistsException - if given relation already exists
    • addRelation

      void addRelation(CoreSession session, DocumentModel from, Node to, String predicate, boolean inverse, boolean includeStatementsInEvents)
      Add link between two document
      from - the document to link from
      to - the node to link to
      predicate - is the type of link
      inverse - if to is related to from ( the event will still be generated with from document )
      includeStatementsInEvents - will add the statement to the events RelationEvents.BEFORE_RELATION_CREATION and RelationEvents.AFTER_RELATION_CREATION
      RelationAlreadyExistsException - if given relation already exists
    • addRelation

      void addRelation(CoreSession session, DocumentModel from, Node to, String predicate, boolean inverse, boolean includeStatementsInEvents, String comment)
      Add link between two document
      from - the document to link from
      to - the node to link to
      predicate - is the type of link
      inverse - if to is related to from ( the event will still be generated with from document )
      includeStatementsInEvents - will add the statement to the events RelationEvents.BEFORE_RELATION_CREATION and RelationEvents.AFTER_RELATION_CREATION
      comment - of the relation
      RelationAlreadyExistsException - if given relation already exists
    • deleteRelation

      void deleteRelation(CoreSession session, DocumentModel from, DocumentModel to, String predicate)
      from - document
      to - document
      predicate - relation type
    • deleteRelation

      void deleteRelation(CoreSession session, Statement statement)
      statement - to delete
    • deleteRelation

      void deleteRelation(CoreSession session, Statement stmt, boolean includeStatementsInEvents)
      stmt - to delete
      includeStatementsInEvents - add the current statement in event RelationEvents.BEFORE_RELATION_REMOVAL and RelationEvents.AFTER_RELATION_REMOVAL
    • deleteRelation

      void deleteRelation(CoreSession session, DocumentModel from, DocumentModel to, String predicate, boolean includeStatementsInEvents)
      from - document
      to - document
      predicate - relation type
      includeStatementsInEvents - add the current statement in event RelationEvents.BEFORE_RELATION_REMOVAL and RelationEvents.AFTER_RELATION_REMOVAL