Interface RenderingContext

All Superinterfaces:
Adaptable, Map<String,Object>, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultRenderingContext, DocumentRenderingContext

public interface RenderingContext extends Map<String,Object>, Adaptable, Serializable
Base class for rendering contexts.

The org.nuxeo.runtime.model.Adaptable interface may be used to add adapting capabilities to context objects. This may be used to retrieve adapters to other type of contexts (like the freemarker one).

Dragos Mihalache
  • Method Details

    • accept

      boolean accept(RenderingEngine engine)
      Either or not this rendering context accepts the given engine.

      If the engione is not acepted it will be ignored by the rendering service when processing this context

      engine - the engine to test
      true if the engine is eligible to process this context, false otherwise