Interface RenderingResult

All Superinterfaces:
Adaptable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RenderingResult extends Adaptable, Serializable
A rendering result is an object that wraps a rendering result and give several methods to retrieve the rendering outcome.

The default one is to expose the rendering outcome as a stream.

Specialized results may be retrieved using Adaptable.getAdapter(Class) method

Bogdan Stefanescu, Dragos Mihalache
  • Method Details

    • getFormatName

      String getFormatName()
      Gets the format name of the result. This can be use to identify the type of the result. The format name can be a mime type or any application-defined format.
      the format name
    • getStream

      InputStream getStream()
      Gets the rendering result as a stream.
      the stream or null if the outcome cannot be expressed as a stream
    • getOutcome

      Object getOutcome()
      Gets the rendering result object.
      the rendering result. must never be null