Interface DocumentRouteElement

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DocumentRoute, DocumentRouteStep, DocumentRouteStepsContainer, GraphRoute
All Known Implementing Classes:
DocumentRouteElementImpl, DocumentRouteImpl, DocumentRouteStepsContainerImpl, GraphNodeImpl, GraphRouteImpl

public interface DocumentRouteElement extends Serializable
An element of a DocumentRoute
  • Method Details

    • getAttachedDocuments

      DocumentModelList getAttachedDocuments(CoreSession session)
      Return the list of documents that this route processes.
      session - the session used to fetch the documents
    • getDocumentRoute

      DocumentRoute getDocumentRoute(CoreSession session)
      Return the DocumentRoute this element is part of.
      session - The session use to fetch the route.
    • isValidated

      boolean isValidated()
      if the route this element is part of has been validated.
    • isReady

      boolean isReady()
      if this element is ready.
    • isDone

      boolean isDone()
      if this route is done.
    • isRunning

      boolean isRunning()
      if this route is running.
    • isDraft

      boolean isDraft()
      if this route is draft.
    • getName

      String getName()
      The name of this element.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      the description of this element.
    • run

      void run(CoreSession session)
      Execute this element. If this is a step, it will run the operation, if this is a containter it will run its children.
    • run

      void run(CoreSession session, Map<String,Serializable> map)
      Execute this element. If this is a step, it will run the operation, if this is a container it will run its children.
      map - the values to pass as initial workflow variables
    • resume

      void resume(CoreSession session, String nodeId, String taskId, Map<String,Object> data, String status)
      Resumes execution on a route node.
      session - the session
      nodeId - the node id to resume on
      taskId - the task id
      data - the data coming from UI form
      status - the id of the button clicked to submit the related task form
    • validate

      void validate(CoreSession session)
      Set this element to the validate state and put it in read only mode.
    • getDocument

      DocumentModel getDocument()
      Get the underlying document representing this element.
    • save

      void save(CoreSession session)
      save the document representing this DocumentRoute.
    • setValidated

      void setValidated(CoreSession session)
      set this element as validated.
    • setReady

      void setReady(CoreSession session)
      set this element as ready.
    • setRunning

      void setRunning(CoreSession session)
      set this element as running.
    • setDone

      void setDone(CoreSession session)
      set this element as done.
    • setReadOnly

      void setReadOnly(CoreSession session)
      remove write rights to everyone but the administrators.
    • followTransition

      void followTransition(DocumentRouteElement.ElementLifeCycleTransistion transition, CoreSession session, boolean recursive)
      make this element follow a transition.
      transition - the followed transition.
      session - the session used to follow the transition.
      recursive - If this element has children, do we recurse the follow transition.
      See Also:
    • canValidateStep

      boolean canValidateStep(CoreSession session)
      If this session can validate the step.
    • setCanValidateStep

      void setCanValidateStep(CoreSession session, String userOrGroup)
      make this user or group a validator for this step.
    • canUpdateStep

      boolean canUpdateStep(CoreSession session)
      If this session can update this step.
    • setCanUpdateStep

      void setCanUpdateStep(CoreSession session, String userOrGroup)
      make this user or group a step updater.
    • setCanReadStep

      void setCanReadStep(CoreSession session, String userOrGroup)
      make this user or group a step reader.
    • canDeleteStep

      boolean canDeleteStep(CoreSession session)
      If this session can delete this step.
    • canUndoStep

      boolean canUndoStep(CoreSession session)
      If this step can be undone. Default is to allow undoing only if the parent folder is running.
    • setCanDeleteStep

      void setCanDeleteStep(CoreSession session, String userOrGroup)
      make this user or group step deleter.
    • backToReady

      void backToReady(CoreSession session)
      Set the step back to the ready state from running or done. This method only modify the step state, it does not run any other action (such as undoing the step action)
    • setCanceled

      void setCanceled(CoreSession session)
      Set the step to a cancel step. This method only modify the state of this element and does not run any other action.
    • cancel

      void cancel(CoreSession session)
      Cancel this element.
    • isCanceled

      boolean isCanceled()
    • isModifiable

      boolean isModifiable()
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()