Interface TaskProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DocumentTaskProvider, TaskServiceImpl

public interface TaskProvider extends Serializable
Laurent Doguin
  • Method Details

    • getCurrentTaskInstances

      List<Task> getCurrentTaskInstances(CoreSession coreSession)
      A list of task instances where the current user is an actor. Doesn't take into account tasks that were delegated to this user.
      IllegalStateException - If the currentUser is null.
    • getCurrentTaskInstances

      List<Task> getCurrentTaskInstances(CoreSession coreSession, List<SortInfo> sortInfos)
      Provide @param sortInfo to handle sort page-provider contributions (see getCurrentTaskInstances(org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.CoreSession))
    • getCurrentTaskInstances

      List<Task> getCurrentTaskInstances(List<String> actors, CoreSession coreSession)
      Returns a list of task instances assigned to one of the actors in the list or to its pool. Doesn't take into account tasks that were delegated to these users. The query is done in unrestricted mode and so the documents linked to the tasks are detached.
      actors - a list used as actorId to retrieve the tasks.
    • getCurrentTaskInstances

      List<Task> getCurrentTaskInstances(List<String> actors, CoreSession coreSession, List<SortInfo> sortInfos)
      Provide @param sortInfo to handle sort page-provider contributions (see getCurrentTaskInstances(org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.CoreSession))
    • getTaskInstances

      List<Task> getTaskInstances(DocumentModel dm, NuxeoPrincipal user, CoreSession coreSession)
      Returns the list of task instances associated with this document for which the user is the actor or belongs to the pooled actor list. Doesn't take into account tasks that were delegated to this user.

      If the user is null, then it returns all task instances for the document. The query is done in unrestricted mode and so the documents linked to the tasks are detached.

      dm - the document.
    • getTaskInstances

      List<Task> getTaskInstances(DocumentModel dm, List<String> actors, CoreSession coreSession)
      Returns the list of task instances associated with this document assigned to one of the actor in the list or its pool. Doesn't take into account tasks that were delegated to these users. The query is done in unrestricted mode and so the documents linked to the tasks are detached.
    • getTaskInstances

      List<Task> getTaskInstances(DocumentModel dm, List<String> actors, boolean includeDelegatedTasks, CoreSession session)
      Returns the list of task instances associated with this document assigned to one of the actor in the list or its pool. If the parameter includeDelegatedTasks is true, takes into account tasks that were delegated to these users. The query is done in unrestricted mode and so the documents linked to the tasks are detached.
    • getAllCurrentTaskInstances

      List<Task> getAllCurrentTaskInstances(CoreSession session, List<SortInfo> sortInfos)
      Returns the list of task instances associated assigned to the current user. Takes into account tasks that were delegated to this user. The query is done in unrestricted mode and so the documents linked to the tasks are detached.
    • getAllTaskInstances

      List<Task> getAllTaskInstances(String processId, CoreSession session)
      Returns all the tasks instances for the given processId.

      The query is done in unrestricted mode and so the documents linked to the tasks are detached.

    • getAllTaskInstances

      List<Task> getAllTaskInstances(String processId, NuxeoPrincipal user, CoreSession session)
      Returns all the tasks instances for the given processId and where the user is the actor or belongs to the pooled actor list. Doesn't take into account tasks that were delegated to this user.

      The query is done in unrestricted mode and so the documents linked to the tasks are detached.

    • getAllTaskInstances

      List<Task> getAllTaskInstances(String processId, List<String> actors, CoreSession session)
      Returns all the tasks instances for the given processId which assigned to one of the actor in the list or its pool. Doesn't take into account tasks that were delegated to these users.

      The query is done in unrestricted mode and so the documents linked to the tasks are detached.

    • endTask

      String endTask(CoreSession coreSession, NuxeoPrincipal principal, Task task, String comment, String eventName, boolean isValidated)
      Ends the task
      coreSession - the session to use when notifying and resolving of referenced document for notification.
      principal - principal used when notifying
      task - the instance to end
      comment - string added to the task comments and used as a notification comment
      eventName - the core event name to use when notifying
      isValidated - boolean marker to state if the task was validated or rejected
      the name of the Seam event to raise
      NuxeoException - when trying to end a task without being granted the right to do so, or when any other error occurs
    • getAllTaskInstances

      List<Task> getAllTaskInstances(String processId, String nodeId, CoreSession session)
      Returns all the tasks instances for the given processId originating from the given nodeId.

      The query is done in unrestricted mode and so the documents linked to the tasks are detached.
