Interface ThreeDService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ThreeDService
Service to asynchronously launch and monitor 3D format conversions (including lod) and rendering.
  • Method Details

    • launchBatchConversion

      void launchBatchConversion(DocumentModel doc)
      Launch all the registered automatic lod transmission version and thumbnail render on the given doc.
      doc - the 3D document to be converted
    • batchConvert

      BlobHolder batchConvert(ThreeD originalThreed)
      Batch convert the originalThreed to all needed blobs (lod transmission formats and thumbnail render)
      originalThreed - the 3d to convert
      a BlobHolder object of the converted assets.
    • cleanBatchData

      void cleanBatchData(DocumentModel doc)
      Clears data model for render views and transmission formats.
    • convertColladaToglTF

      TransmissionThreeD convertColladaToglTF(TransmissionThreeD colladaThreeD)
      Batch convert the Collada colladaThreeD to glTF
      colladaThreeD - the 3d to convert
      a TransmissionThreeD object of in glTF.
    • getAvailableRenderViews

      Collection<RenderView> getAvailableRenderViews()
      Returns the available registered render views on a 3D content.
    • getAutomaticRenderViews

      Collection<RenderView> getAutomaticRenderViews()
      Returns the automatic registered render views on a 3D content.
    • getAvailableLODs

      Collection<AutomaticLOD> getAvailableLODs()
      Returns the available registered automatic LODs on a 3D content.
    • getAutomaticLODs

      Collection<AutomaticLOD> getAutomaticLODs()
      Returns the automatic registered automatic LODs on a 3D content.
    • getAutomaticLOD

      AutomaticLOD getAutomaticLOD(String id)
      Returns the available registered Automatic LOD by id.
    • getRenderView

      RenderView getRenderView(String id)
      Returns the available registered render views by id.
    • getRenderView

      RenderView getRenderView(Integer azimuth, Integer Zenith)
      Returns the available registered render views by azimuth and zenith (the combination is always unique).
    • getBatchProgress

      ThreeDBatchProgress getBatchProgress(String repositoryName, String docId)
      Get the batch processing progress
      docId - of the document being processed
      a ThreeDBatchProgress with status (queued, running, unknown) and a message of the running state