Interface DocumentView

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DocumentView
Document information describing a document context.

Some information is required (document location). Other information (like the currently selected tab) are handled through parameters.*

This interface is used to map a url to a document context.

  • Method Details

    • getPatternName

      String getPatternName()
      Returns the url pattern names used to generate this document view.
    • setPatternName

      void setPatternName(String patternName)
    • setDocumentLocation

      void setDocumentLocation(DocumentLocation documentLocation)
    • getDocumentLocation

      DocumentLocation getDocumentLocation()
    • getParameters

      Map<String,String> getParameters()
    • getParameter

      String getParameter(String name)
    • addParameter

      void addParameter(String name, String value)
    • removeParameter

      void removeParameter(String name)
    • getViewId

      String getViewId()
      Returns the outcome to use for this document view.

      XXX AT: Can be considered to be badly named "view id".

    • setViewId

      void setViewId(String viewId)
    • getSubURI

      String getSubURI()
    • setSubURI

      void setSubURI(String subURI)